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 * Options for the input value of the property controller’s animation, used by the inputMode property.
 * @typedef {Object} SCNParticleInputMode
 * @property {number} overLife - The controller’s effect on a particle property is a function of the time since the particle’s birth.
 * @property {number} overDistance - The controller’s effect on a particle property is a function of the particle’s distance from the position of a specified node.
 * @property {number} overOtherProperty - The controller’s effect on a particle property is a function of another of the particle’s properties.
 * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnparticleinputmode
const SCNParticleInputMode = {
  overLife: 0,
  overDistance: 1,
  overOtherProperty: 2

export default SCNParticleInputMode