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'use strict'

import CAAnimationGroup from '../QuartzCore/CAAnimationGroup'
import CABasicAnimation from '../QuartzCore/CABasicAnimation'
import CAMediaTimingFunction from '../QuartzCore/CAMediaTimingFunction'
import CAKeyframeAnimation from '../QuartzCore/CAKeyframeAnimation'
import NSObject from '../ObjectiveC/NSObject'
//import SCNActionable from './SCNActionable'
//import SCNAnimatable from './SCNAnimatable'
//import SCNBoundingVolume from './SCNBoundingVolume'
//import SCNGeometry from './SCNGeometry'
//import SCNGeometrySource from './SCNGeometrySource'
//import SCNLight from './SCNLight'
//import SCNCamera from './SCNCamera'
//import SCNMorpher from './SCNMorpher'
//import SCNSkinner from './SCNSkinner'
import SCNMatrix4 from './SCNMatrix4'
//import SCNMatrix4MakeScale from './SCNMatrix4MakeScale'
import SCNMatrix4MakeTranslation from './SCNMatrix4MakeTranslation'
import SCNVector3 from './SCNVector3'
import SCNVector4 from './SCNVector4'
//import SCNQuaternion from './SCNQuaternion'
//import SCNConstraint from './SCNConstraint'
import SCNMovabilityHint from './SCNMovabilityHint'
//import SCNNodeRendererDelegate from './SCNNodeRendererDelegate'
import SCNOrderedDictionary from './SCNOrderedDictionary'
//import SCNParticleSystem from './SCNParticleSystem'
//import SCNPhysicsBody from './SCNPhysicsBody'
//import SCNPhysicsField from './SCNPhysicsField'
import SCNPhysicsWorld from './SCNPhysicsWorld'
import SCNTransaction from './SCNTransaction'
//import SCNAudioPlayer from './SCNAudioPlayer'
//import SCNHitTestResult from './SCNHitTestResult'
import SKColor from '../SpriteKit/SKColor'
import * as Constants from '../constants'
import _InstanceOf from '../util/_InstanceOf'

const _localFront = new SCNVector3(0, 0, 1)
const _localRight = new SCNVector3(1, 0, 0)
const _localUp = new SCNVector3(0, 1, 0)

 * A structural element of a scene graph, representing a position and transform in a 3D coordinate space, to which you can attach geometry, lights, cameras, or other displayable content.
 * @access public
 * @extends {NSObject}
 * @implements {SCNActionable}
 * @implements {SCNAnimatable}
 * @implements {SCNBoundingVolume}
 * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode
export default class SCNNode extends NSObject {
  static get _propTypes() {
    return {
      name: 'string',
      light: 'SCNLight',
      camera: 'SCNCamera',
      geometry: ['SCNGeometry', (obj, value) => {
        obj.geometry = value
        obj.boundingBox = value.boundingBox
      morpher: 'SCNMorpher',
      skinner: 'SCNSkinner',
      categoryBitMask: 'integer',
      paused: ['boolean', 'isPaused'],
      position: ['SCNVector3', '_position'],
      rotation: ['SCNVector4', '_rotation'],
      orientation: ['SCNVector4', (obj, value) => {
        obj.orientation = value
      scale: ['SCNVector3', '_scale'],
      hidden: ['boolean', 'isHidden'],
      opacity: ['float', '_opacity'],
      renderingOrder: 'integer',
      castsShadow: 'boolean',
      childNodes: ['NSArray', (obj, childNodes) => {
        childNodes.forEach((child) => {
      physicsBody: ['SCNPhysicsBody', (obj, body) => {
        obj.physicsBody = body
      physicsField: 'SCNPhysicsField',
      particleSystem: ['NSArray', '_particleSystems'],
      animations: ['NSMutableDictionary', (obj, anims) => {
        this._loadAnimationArray(obj, anims)
      'animation-keys': ['NSMutableArray', (obj, keys) => {
        obj._animationPlayers._keys = keys
      'animation-players': ['NSMutableArray', (obj, players) => {
        obj._animationPlayers._values = players
      'action-keys': ['NSArray', null],
      actions: ['NSMutableDictionary', (obj, acts) => {
        this._loadActionArray(obj, acts)
      eulerAngles: ['SCNVector3', (obj, value) => {
        obj.eulerAngles = value
      movabilityHint: 'integer',

      clientAttributes: ['NSMutableDictionary', null],
      nodeID: ['string', '_nodeID'],
      entityID: ['string', '_entityID']

  // Creating a Node

   * Creates and returns a node object with the specified geometry attached.
   * @access public
   * @constructor
   * @param {?SCNGeometry} [geometry = null] - The geometry to be attached.
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1408020-init
  constructor(geometry = null) {

    // Managing Node Attributes

     * A name associated with the node.
     * @type {?string}
     * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1408014-name
    this.name = null

     * The light attached to the node.
     * @type {?SCNLight}
     * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1408004-light
    this.light = null

     * The camera attached to the node.
     * @type {?SCNCamera}
     * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1407976-camera
    this.camera = null

     * The geometry attached to the node.
     * @type {?SCNGeometry}
     * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1407966-geometry
    this._geometry = geometry

     * The morpher object responsible for blending the node’s geometry.
     * @type {?SCNMorpher}
     * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1408022-morpher
    this.morpher = null

     * The skinner object responsible for skeletal animations of node’s contents.
     * @type {?SCNSkinner}
     * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1407953-skinner
    this.skinner = null

     * A mask that defines which categories the node belongs to.
     * @type {number}
     * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1407994-categorybitmask
    this.categoryBitMask = 0

    // Working With Node Animation

     * A Boolean value that determines whether to run actions and animations attached to the node and its child nodes.
     * @type {boolean}
     * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1407962-ispaused
    this.isPaused = false

     * A node object representing the state of the node as it currently appears onscreen.
     * @type {SCNNode}
     * @access private
     * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1408030-presentation
    this._presentation = null

     * @type {boolean}
     * @access private
    this._isPresentationInstance = false

    // Managing the Node’s Transformation

     * The transformation applied to the node relative to its parent. Animatable.
     * @type {SCNMatrix4}
     * @access private
     * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1407964-transform
    this._transform = new SCNMatrix4()

    this._worldTransform = new SCNMatrix4()

     * @type {boolean}
     * @access private
    this._transformUpToDate = false

     * The translation applied to the node. Animatable.
     * @type {SCNVector3}
     * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1408026-position
    this._position = new SCNVector3(0, 0, 0)

     * The node’s orientation, expressed as a rotation angle about an axis. Animatable.
     * @type {SCNVector4}
     * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1408034-rotation
    this._rotation = new SCNVector4(1, 0, 0, 0)

     * The node’s orientation, expressed as pitch, yaw, and roll angles, each in radians. Animatable.
     * @type {SCNVector3}
     * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1407980-eulerangles
    //this.eulerAngles = null

     * The node’s orientation, expressed as a quaternion. Animatable.
     * @type {SCNQuaternion}
     * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1408048-orientation
    //this.orientation = null

     * The scale factor applied to the node. Animatable.
     * @type {SCNVector3}
     * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1408050-scale
    this._scale = new SCNVector3(1, 1, 1)

     * The pivot point for the node’s position, rotation, and scale. Animatable.
     * @type {SCNMatrix4}
     * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1408044-pivot
    this.pivot = null

     * A list of constraints affecting the node’s transformation.
     * @type {?SCNConstraint[]}
     * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1408016-constraints
    this.constraints = null

    //this._worldTransform = null

    // Modifying the Node Visibility

     * A Boolean value that determines the visibility of the node’s contents. Animatable.
     * @type {boolean}
     * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1407967-ishidden
    this.isHidden = false

     * The opacity value of the node. Animatable.
     * @type {number}
     * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1408010-opacity
    this._opacity = 1
    this._worldOpacity = 1

     * The order the node’s content is drawn in relative to that of other nodes.
     * @type {number}
     * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1407978-renderingorder
    this.renderingOrder = 0

     * A Boolean value that determines whether SceneKit renders the node’s contents into shadow maps.
     * @type {boolean}
     * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1407955-castsshadow
    this.castsShadow = false

     * A value that indicates how SceneKit should handle the node when rendering movement-related effects.
     * @type {SCNMovabilityHint}
     * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1690499-movabilityhint
    this.movabilityHint = SCNMovabilityHint.fixed

    // Managing the Node Hierarchy

     * The node’s parent in the scene graph hierarchy.
     * @type {?SCNNode}
     * @access private
     * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1407968-parent
    this._parent = null

     * An array of the node’s children in the scene graph hierarchy.
     * @type {SCNNode[]}
     * @access private
     * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1407984-childnodes
    this._childNodes = []

    // Customizing Node Rendering

     * An array of Core Image filters to be applied to the rendered contents of the node.
     * @type {?CIFilter[]}
     * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1407949-filters
    this.filters = null

     * An object responsible for rendering custom contents for the node using Metal or OpenGL.
     * @type {?SCNNodeRendererDelegate}
     * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1408012-rendererdelegate
    this.rendererDelegate = null

    // Adding Physics to a Node

     * The physics body associated with the node.
     * @type {?SCNPhysicsBody}
     * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1407988-physicsbody
    this._physicsBody = null

     * The physics field associated with the node.
     * @type {?SCNPhysicsField}
     * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1408006-physicsfield
    this.physicsField = null

    // Working With Particle Systems

    this._particleSystems = null

    // Working With Positional Audio

    this._audioPlayers = []

     * @type {?GKEntity}
     * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/2873004-entity
    this.entity = null

     * @type {SCNNodeFocusBehavior}
     * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/2881853-focusbehavior
    this.focusBehavior = null

    // SCNActionable //

    // Inspecting a Node’s Running Action
    //this._hasActions = false

     * @access private
     * @type {Map}
    this._actions = new Map()

    // SCNAnimatable //

     * @access private
     * @type {SCNOrderedDictionary}
    this._animations = new SCNOrderedDictionary()

     * @access private
     * @type {SCNOrderedDictionary}
    this._animationPlayers = new SCNOrderedDictionary()

    // SCNBoundingVolume //

    // Working with Bounding Volumes

     * The minimum and maximum corner points of the object’s bounding box.
     * @type {{min: SCNVector3, max: SCNVector3}}
     * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnboundingvolume/2034705-boundingbox
    this._boundingBox = null
    this._fixedBoundingBox = null

    //this._boundingSphere = null

     * @access private
     * @type {?string}
    this._entityID = null

     * @access private
     * @type {?string}
    this._nodeID = null


     * @access private
     * @type {Promise}
    this._loadedPromise = null

  static _loadAnimationArray(node, animations) {
    //console.log('_loadAnimationArray start')
    for(const animName of Object.keys(animations)){
      const data = animations[animName]
      const animation = this._loadAnimationData(data, animName)
      node.addAnimationForKey(animation, animName)
    //console.log('_loadAnimationArray done')

  static _loadAnimationData(data, key) {
    //console.log(`_loadAnimationData ${key} start`)
    if(data.class === 'group'){
      return this._loadAnimationGroup(data)
    }else if(data.class === 'keyframe'){
      return this._loadKeyframeAnimation(data.animation, key)
    }else if(data.class === 'basic'){
      const keyPath = data.keyPath || key
      return this._loadBasicAnimation(data.animation, keyPath)
    }else if(data.type === 'keyframedAnimation'){
      return this._loadKeyframeAnimation(data, key)

    //console.error(`unknown animation class: ${data.class}, type: ${data.type}, key: ${key}`)
    throw new Error(`unknown animation class: ${data.class}, type: ${data.type}, key: ${key}`)

  static _loadAnimationGroup(animation) {
    //console.log('_loadAnimationGroup start')
    const group = new CAAnimationGroup()
    const data = animation.animation
    group.isRemovedOnCompletion = Boolean(animation.removeOnCompletion)
    // group.timingFunction
    // group.delegate
    group.usesSceneTimeBase = Boolean(animation.usesSceneTimeBase)
    group.fadeInDuration = data.fadeInDuration
    group.fadeOutDuration = data.fadeOutDuration
    group.beginTime = data.beginTime
    group.timeOffset = data.timeOffset
    group.repeatCount = data.repeatCount
    // group.repeatDuration
    group.duration = data.duration
    group.speed = data.speed
    group.autoreverses = data.autoreverses
    const fillMode = [
    group.fillMode = fillMode[data.fillModeMask]
    // data.cumulative
    // data.additive
    // data.attributes
    data.channels.forEach((channel) => {
      const keyPath = channel.targetPath.join('.')
      //console.error(`SCNNode animation group keyPath: ${keyPath}`)
      const chAnim = this._loadAnimationData(channel.animation, keyPath)
    //console.log('_loadAnimationGroup done')

    return group

  static _loadKeyframeAnimation(data, keyPath) {
    //console.log(`_loadKeyframeAnimation ${keyPath} start`)
    const anim = new CAKeyframeAnimation(keyPath)

    anim.isRemovedOnCompletion = Boolean(data.removeOnCompletion)
    // anim.timingFunction
    // anim.delegate
    anim.usesSceneTimeBase = Boolean(data.sceneTimeBased)
    anim.fadeInDuration = data.fadeInDuration
    anim.fadeOutDuration = data.fadeOutDuration
    anim.beginTime = data.beginTime
    anim.timeOffset = data.timeOffset
    anim.repeatCount = data.repeatCount
    // anim.repeatDuration
    anim.duration = data.duration
    anim.speed = data.speed
    anim.autoreverses = data.autoreverses
    const fillMode = [
    anim.fillMode = fillMode[data.fillModeMask]
    anim.isCumulative = Boolean(data.cumulative)
    anim.isAdditive = Boolean(data.additive)
    // data.attributes

    const keyframe = data.keyframeController
    anim.values = this._loadData(keyframe, 'values')
    anim.keyTimes = this._loadData(keyframe, 'keytimes')
      case 0:
        //anim.timingFunctions =
    anim.keyTimes = anim.keyTimes.map((keyTime) => { return keyTime / anim.duration })

    const calculationModes = [
    anim.calculationMode = calculationModes[keyframe.calculationMode]

    //console.log(`_loadKeyframeAnimation ${keyPath} done`)

    return anim

  static _loadBasicAnimation(data, keyPath) {
    //console.log(`_loadBasicAnimation ${keyPath} start`)
    const anim = new CABasicAnimation(keyPath)

    anim.isRemovedOnCompletion = Boolean(data.removeOnCompletion)
    anim.timingFunction = new CAMediaTimingFunction(
    // anim.delegate
    anim.usesSceneTimeBase = Boolean(data.sceneTimeBased)
    anim.fadeInDuration = data.fadeInDuration
    anim.fadeOutDuration = data.fadeOutDuration
    anim.beginTime = data.beginTime
    anim.timeOffset = data.timeOffset
    anim.repeatCount = data.repeatCount
    // anim.repeatDuration
    anim.duration = data.duration
    anim.speed = data.speed
    anim.autoreverses = data.autoreverses
    const fillMode = [
    anim.fillMode = fillMode[data.fillModeMask]
    anim.isCumulative = Boolean(data.cumulative)
    anim.isAdditive = Boolean(data.additive)
    // data.attributes
    // data.baseType

    //console.log(`_loadBasicAnimation ${keyPath} done`)

    return anim

  static _loadActionArray(node, actions) {
    //console.log('_loadActionArray start')
    for(const actName of Object.keys(actions)){
      const data = actions[actName]
      //const action = this._loadActionData(data, actName)
      //node.runActionForKey(action, actName)
      node.runActionForKey(data, actName)
    //console.log('_loadAnimationArray done')

  //static _loadActionData(data, key) {
  //  console.log(`_loadActionData ${key} start`)

  static _loadData(data, key) {
    //console.log(`_loadData ${key} start`)

    const accessor = data[key].accessor
    const components = accessor.componentsPerValue
    const stride = accessor.stride
    const offset = accessor.offset
    const typeId = accessor.sourceTypeID
    const padding = accessor.padding
    const count = accessor.valuesCount

    const sourceKey = `${key}-data`
    const source = data[sourceKey]

    const result = []
    let pos = offset
    if(accessor.componentsType === 1){
      // float
      for(let i=0; i<count; i++){
        pos += stride
    }else if(accessor.componentsType === 6){
      // double
      for(let i=0; i<count; i++){
        pos += stride
    }else if(accessor.componentsType === 9){
      // SCNVector3
      for(let i=0; i<count; i++){
        result.push(SCNVector3._initWithData(source, pos, true))
        pos += stride
    }else if(accessor.componentsType === 10){
      // SCNVector4
      for(let i=0; i<count; i++){
        result.push(SCNVector4._initWithData(source, pos, true))
        pos += stride
    }else if(accessor.componentsType === 11){
      // SCNMatrix4
      for(let i=0; i<count; i++){
        result.push(SCNMatrix4._initWithData(source, pos, true))
        pos += stride
    }else if(accessor.componentsType === 13){
      // SKColor
      for(let i=0; i<count; i++){
        result.push(SKColor._initWithData(source, pos, true))
        pos += stride
      console.error(`unknown accessor componentsType: ${accessor.componentsType}`)

    //console.log(`_loadData ${key} done`)

    return result

   * Constructor for JSExport compatibility
   * @access public
   * @returns {SCNNode} -
  static node() {
    return new SCNNode()

   * Constructor for JSExport compatibility
   * @access public
   * @param {?SCNGeometry} [geometry] - The geometry to be attached.
   * @returns {SCNNode} -
  static nodeWithGeometry(geometry) {
    return new SCNNode(geometry)

  // Managing Node Attributes
  get geometry() {
    return this._geometry
  set geometry(newValue) {
    this._geometry = newValue

  // Working With Node Animation

   * A node object representing the state of the node as it currently appears onscreen.
   * @type {SCNNode}
   * @desc When you use implicit animation (see SCNTransaction) to change a node’s properties, those node properties are set immediately to their target values, even though the animated node content appears to transition from the old property values to the new. During the animation SceneKit maintains a copy of the node, called the presentation node, whose properties reflect the transitory values determined by any in-flight animations currently affecting the node. The presentation node’s properties provide a close approximation to the version of the node that is currently displayed. SceneKit also uses the presentation node when computing the results of explicit animations, physics, and constraints.Do not modify the properties of the presentation node. (Attempting to do so results in undefined behavior.) Instead, you use the presentation node to read current animation values—for example, to create a new animation starting at those values. The presentation node has no parent or child nodes. To access animated properties of related nodes, use the node’s own parent and childNodes properties and the presentation property of each related node.
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1408030-presentation
  get presentation() {
    if(this._presentation === null && !this._isPresentationInstance){

    return this._presentation

  _createPresentation() {
    }else if(this._presentation){
    let p = this.copy()
    p._isPresentationInstance = true
    if(this.geometry !== null){
      p.geometry = this.geometry.copy()
      p.geometry._isPresentationInstance = true
      p.geometry._geometryElements = []
      this.geometry._geometryElements.forEach((element) => {
      p.geometry._geometrySources = []
      this.geometry._geometrySources.forEach((source) => {
      this.geometry._presentation = p.geometry
      p._particleSystems = []
      for(const system of this._particleSystems){
        const pSystem = system._createPresentation()
    this._presentation = p

  // Managing the Node’s Transformation

   * The transformation applied to the node relative to its parent. Animatable.
   * @type {SCNMatrix4}
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1407964-transform
  get transform() {
    // FIXME: it should return the copy of _transform,
    //        but you should be able to change value with this statement:
    //          let node = new SCNNode()
    //          node.transform.m14 = 123
    //          console.log(node.transform.m14)   // '123'
    return this._transform
  set transform(newValue) {
    this._transform = newValue
    this._position = this._transform.getTranslation()
    this._rotation = this._transform.getRotation()
    this._scale = this._transform.getScale()
    this._transformUpToDate = true

   * The world transform applied to the node.
   * @type {SCNMatrix4}
   * @desc A world transform is the node’s coordinate space transformation relative to the scene’s coordinate space. This transformation is the concatenation of the node’s transform property with that of its parent node, the parent’s parent, and so on up to the rootNode object of the scene.
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1407970-worldtransform
  get worldTransform() {
    if(this._parent === null){
        return this._worldTransform
      return this.transform
    return this.transform.mult(this._parent.worldTransform)
    return this._worldTransform

  _updateWorldTransform() {
    let p = null
    if(this._parent === null){
      p = SCNMatrix4MakeTranslation(0, 0, 0)
      p = this._parent._worldTransform
    this._worldTransform = this.transform.mult(p)

      let pp = null
      let ppOpacity = 1.0
      if(this._parent === null){
        pp = SCNMatrix4MakeTranslation(0, 0, 0)
      }else if(this._parent._presentation === null){
        pp = this._parent._worldTransform
        ppOpacity = this._parent._worldOpacity
        pp = this._parent._presentation._worldTransform
        ppOpacity = this._parent._presentation._worldOpacity
      this._presentation._worldTransform = this._presentation.transform.mult(pp)
      this._presentation._worldOpacity = this._presentation._opacity * ppOpacity

    this._childNodes.forEach((child) => {

  _updatePresentationTransform() {
    let p = null
    if(this._parent === null){
      p = SCNMatrix4MakeTranslation(0, 0, 0)
      p = this._parent._presentation._worldTransform
    this._presentation._worldTransform = this._presentation.transform.mult(parentTransform)
    this._childNodes.forEach((child) => {

   * The translation applied to the node. Animatable.
   * @type {SCNVector3}
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1408026-position
  get position() {
    return this._position
  set position(newValue) {
    if(typeof newValue.x !== 'number'
      || typeof newValue.y !== 'number'
      || typeof newValue.z !== 'number'){
      throw new Error('error: SCNNode.position must have x, y, z values')
    this._position.x = newValue.x
    this._position.y = newValue.y
    this._position.z = newValue.z
    this._transformUpToDate = false

  get rotation() {
    return this._rotation
  set rotation(newValue) {
    if(typeof newValue.x !== 'number'
      || typeof newValue.y !== 'number'
      || typeof newValue.z !== 'number'
      || typeof newValue.w !== 'number'){
      throw new Error('error: SCNNode.rotation must have x, y, z, w values')
    const oldValue = this._rotation._copy()
    this._rotation.x = newValue.x
    this._rotation.y = newValue.y
    this._rotation.z = newValue.z
    this._rotation.w = newValue.w
    this._transformUpToDate = false
    SCNTransaction._addChange(this, 'rotation', oldValue, newValue)

  get scale() {
    return this._scale
  set scale(newValue) {
    if(typeof newValue.x !== 'number'
      || typeof newValue.y !== 'number'
      || typeof newValue.z !== 'number'){
      throw new Error('error: SCNNode.scale must have x, y, z values')
    this._scale.x = newValue.x
    this._scale.y = newValue.y
    this._scale.z = newValue.z
    this._transformUpToDate = false

   * The node’s orientation, expressed as pitch, yaw, and roll angles, each in radians. Animatable.
   * @type {SCNVector3}
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1407980-eulerangles
  get eulerAngles() {
    const rot = this._rotation
    const euler = new SCNVector3()
    const sinW = Math.sin(rot.w)
    const cosWR = 1.0 - Math.cos(rot.w)
    const len2 = rot.x * rot.x + rot.y * rot.y + rot.z * rot.z
    if(len2 === 0){
      return euler
    const r = 1.0 / Math.sqrt(len2)
    const x = rot.x * r
    const y = rot.y * r
    const z = rot.z * r
    const s = y * sinW - x * z * cosWR

    if(s > 0.998){
      // TODO: check SceneKit implementation
      euler.x = 0
      euler.y = -Math.PI * 0.5
      euler.z = -2.0 * Math.atan2(z * Math.sin(rot.w * 0.5), Math.cos(rot.w * 0.5))
    }else if(s < -0.998){
      // TODO: check SceneKit implementation
      euler.x = 0
      euler.y = Math.PI * 0.5
      euler.z = 2.0 * Math.atan2(z * Math.sin(rot.w * 0.5), Math.cos(rot.w * 0.5))
      euler.x = Math.atan2(x * sinW + y * z * cosWR, 1 - (y * y + x * x) * cosWR)
      euler.y = Math.asin(s)
      euler.z = Math.atan2(z * sinW + x * y * cosWR, 1 - (z * z + y * y) * cosWR)

    return euler
    return this._rotation.rotationToEulerAngles()
  set eulerAngles(newValue) {
    this._rotation = newValue.eulerAnglesToRotation()
    this._transformUpToDate = false

   * The node’s orientation, expressed as a quaternion. Animatable.
   * @type {SCNQuaternion}
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1408048-orientation
  get orientation() {
    return this._rotation.rotationToQuat()
  set orientation(newValue) {
    if(!_InstanceOf(newValue, SCNVector4)){
      throw new Error('orientation must be SCNVector4')

    this._rotation = newValue.quatToRotation()
    this._transformUpToDate = false

   * @access private
   * @returns {SCNVector4} -
  get _presentationWorldOrientation() {
    if(this._parent === null){
      return this.presentation.orientation
    return this._parent._presentationWorldOrientation.cross(this.presentation.orientation)

   * @access private
   * @returns {SCNVector4} -
  get _worldOrientation() {
    if(this._parent === null){
      return this.orientation
    return this._parent._worldOrientation.cross(this.orientation)

   * @access private
   * @returns {SCNVector4} -
  get _worldRotation() {
    return this._worldOrientation.quatToRotation()

   * @access private
   * @returns {SCNVector3} -
  get _presentationWorldTranslation() {
    return this.presentation.worldTransform.getTranslation()

   * @access private
   * @returns {SCNVector3} -
  get _worldTranslation() {
    return this.worldTransform.getTranslation()

  get worldPosition() {
    return this.worldTransform.getTranslation()
  set worldPosition(newValue) {
    let parentTransform = null
    if(this._parent === null){
      parentTransform = SCNMatrix4MakeTranslation(0, 0, 0)
      parentTransform = this._parent.worldTransform
    const transform = SCNMatrix4MakeTranslation(newValue.x, newValue.y, newValue.z)
    const inv = parentTransform.invert()
    const newTransform = transform.mult(inv)

    this._transform.m41 = newTransform.m41
    this._transform.m42 = newTransform.m42
    this._transform.m43 = newTransform.m43
    this.transform = this._transform

   * @access private
   * @returns {SCNVector3} -
  get _worldScale() {

   * The opacity value of the node. Animatable.
   * @type {number}
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1408010-opacity
  get opacity() {
    return this._opacity
  set opacity(newValue) {
    const oldValue = this._opacity
    this._opacity = newValue
    SCNTransaction._addChange(this, '_opacity', oldValue, newValue)

  // Managing the Node Hierarchy

   * Adds a node to the node’s array of children.
   * @access public
   * @param {SCNNode} child - The node to be added.
   * @returns {void}
   * @desc Calling this method appends the node to the end of the childNodes array.
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1407974-addchildnode
  addChildNode(child) {
    if(this._childNodes.indexOf(child) >= 0){
    child._parent = this

   * Adds a node to the node’s array of children at a specified index.
   * @access public
   * @param {SCNNode} child - The node to be inserted.ImportantRaises an exception (invalidArgumentException) if child is nil.
   * @param {number} index - The position at which to insert the new child node.ImportantRaises an exception (rangeException) if index is greater than the number of elements in the node’s childNodes array.
   * @returns {void}
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1407958-insertchildnode
  insertChildNodeAt(child, index) {
    if(this._childNodes.indexOf(child) >= 0){
    this._insertObjectInChildNodesAtIndex(child, index)
    this._parent = this

   * Removes the node from its parent’s array of child nodes.
   * @access public
   * @returns {void}
   * @desc Removing nodes from the node hierarchy serves two purposes. Nodes own their contents (child nodes or attached lights, geometries, and other objects), so deallocating unneeded nodes can reduce memory usage. Additionally, SceneKit does more work at rendering time with a large, complex node hierarchy, so removing nodes whose contents you don’t need to display can improve rendering performance.
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1407991-removefromparentnode
  removeFromParentNode() {
    const parentNode = this._parent
    if(parentNode === null){
    const index = parentNode._childNodes.indexOf(this)
    if(index < 0){

   * Removes a child from the node’s array of children and inserts another node in its place. 
   * @access public
   * @param {SCNNode} oldChild - 
   * @param {SCNNode} newChild - 
   * @returns {void}
   * @desc If both the child and child2 nodes are children of the node, calling this method swaps their positions in the array. Note that removing a node from the node hierarchy may result in it being deallocated.Calling this method results in undefined behavior if the child parameter does not refer to a child of this node.
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1408002-replacechildnode
  replaceChildNodeWith(oldChild, newChild) {
    const index = this._childNodes.indexOf(oldChild)
    if(index < 0){
    this._insertObjectInChildNodesAtIndex(newChild, index)

   * @access private
   * @param {number} index -
   * @returns {void}
  _removeObjectFromChildNodesAtIndex(index) {
    const arr = this._childNodes.splice(index, 1)
    if(arr.length === 0){
    const obj = arr[0]

    obj._parent = null
    obj._transformUpToDate = false

   * @access private
   * @param {SCNNode} object -
   * @param {number} index -
   * @returns {void}
  _insertObjectInChildNodesAtIndex(object, index) {
    const length = this._childNodes.length
    if(index > length){
      throw new Error(`SCNNode.childNodes out of index: ${index} > ${length}`)
    this._childNodes.splice(index, 0, object)

   * @access private
   * @type {?SCNNode}
  get _rootNode() {
    if(this._parent === null){
      return this
    return this._parent._rootNode

   * The node’s parent in the scene graph hierarchy.
   * @type {?SCNNode}
   * @desc For a scene’s rootNode object, the value of this property is nil.
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1407968-parent
  get parent() {
    return this._parent
   * An array of the node’s children in the scene graph hierarchy.
   * @type {SCNNode[]}
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1407984-childnodes
  get childNodes() {
    return this._childNodes.slice(0)

  // Searching the Node Hierarchy

   * Returns all nodes in the node’s child node subtree that satisfy the test applied by a block.
   * @access public
   * @param {function(child: SCNNode, stop: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>): boolean} predicate - The block to apply to the node’s child and descendant nodes .The block takes two parameters:child The child node currently being searched. stop A reference to a Boolean value. Set *stop to true in the block to abort further processing of the child node subtree.The block returns a Boolean value indicating whether to include the child node in the search results array.
   * @returns {SCNNode[]} - 
   * @desc Use this method to search for nodes using a test you specify. For example, you can search for empty nodes using a block that returns YES for nodes whose light, camera, and geometry properties are all nil.SceneKit uses a recursive preorder traversal to search the child node subtree—that is, the block searches a node before it searches each of the node’s children, and it searches all children of a node before searching any of that node’s sibling nodes.
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1407982-childnodes
  childNodesPassingTest(predicate) {
    let result = []
    return result

   * Returns the first node in the node’s child node subtree with the specified name.
   * @access public
   * @param {string} name - The name of the node to search for.
   * @param {boolean} [recursively = true] - true to search the entire child node subtree, or false to search only the node’s immediate children.
   * @returns {?SCNNode} - 
   * @desc If the recursive parameter is true, SceneKit uses a preorder traversal to search the child node subtree—that is, the block searches a node before it searches each of the node’s children, and it searches all children of a node before searching any of that node’s sibling nodes. Otherwise, SceneKit searches only those nodes in the node’s childNodes array.
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1407951-childnode
  childNodeWithNameRecursively(name, recursively = true) {
    for(let i=0; i<this._childNodes.length; i++){
      if(this._childNodes[i].name === name){
        return this._childNodes[i]
        const result = this._childNodes[i].childNodeWithNameRecursively(name, recursively)
        if(result !== null){
          return result

    return null

   * Returns the first node in the node’s child nodearray with the specified name.
   * @access public
   * @param {string} name - The name of the node to search for.
   * @returns {?SCNNode} - 
   * @desc SceneKit searches only those nodes in the node’s childNodes array.
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1407951-childnode
  childNodeWithName(name) {
    return this.childNodeWithNameRecursively(name, false)

   * @access private
   * @param {string} nodeID -
   * @param {boolean} recursively -
   * @returns {?SCNNode} -
  _childNodeWithNodeIDRecursively(nodeID, recursively = true) {
    for(let i=0; i<this._childNodes.length; i++){
      if(this._childNodes[i]._nodeID === nodeID){
        return this._childNodes[i]
        const result = this._childNodes[i]._childNodeWithNodeIDRecursively(nodeID, recursively)
        if(result !== null){
          return result

    return null

   * @access private
   * @param {string} nodeID -
   * @returns {?SCNNode} -
  _childNodeWithNodeID(nodeID) {
    return this._childNodeWithNodeIDRecursively(name, false)

   * Executes the specified block for each of the node’s child and descendant nodes.
   * @access public
   * @param {function(child: SCNNode, stop: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>): void} block - The block to apply to the node’s child and descendant nodes.The block takes two parameters:childThe child node currently being evaluated.stopA reference to a Boolean value. Set *stop to true in the block to abort further processing of the child node subtree.
   * @returns {void}
   * @desc SceneKit uses a recursive preorder traversal to process the child node subtree—that is, the block runs for a node before it runs for each of the node’s children, and it processes all children of a node before processing any of that node’s sibling nodes.
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1408032-enumeratechildnodes
  enumerateChildNodes(block) {
    //this._childNodes.some((child) => {
    this.childNodes.some((child) => {
      return this._enumerateChildNodesRecursive(child, block)

   * Executes the specified block for each of the node’s child and descendant nodes, as well as for the node itself.
   * @access public
   * @param {function(arg1: SCNNode, arg2: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>): void} block - The block to apply to the node’s child and descendant nodes.The block takes two parameters:childThe child node currently being evaluated.stopA reference to a Boolean value. Set *stop to true in the block to abort further processing of the child node subtree.
   * @returns {void}
   * @desc SceneKit uses a recursive preorder traversal to process the child node subtree—that is, the block runs for a node before it runs for each of the node’s children, and it processes all children of a node before processing any of that node’s sibling nodes.This method is equivalent to the enumerateChildNodes(_:) method, but unlike that method it also runs the block to process the node itself, not just its child nodes.
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1642248-enumeratehierarchy
  enumerateHierarchy(block) {
    this._enumerateChildNodesRecursive(this, block)

  _enumerateChildNodesRecursive(node, block) {
    let stop = block(node)
    if(stop === true){
      return true
    stop = node._childNodes.some((child) => {
      return this._enumerateChildNodesRecursive(child, block)
    return stop

  // Adding Physics to a Node

  get physicsBody() {
    return this._physicsBody
  set physicsBody(newValue) {
      this._physicsBody._node = null
    this._physicsBody = newValue
      this._physicsBody._node = this

  _resetPhysicsTransformRecursively(updateWorldTransform = false) {
    for(const child of this._childNodes){

  // Working With Particle Systems

   * Attaches a particle system to the node.
   * @access public
   * @param {SCNParticleSystem} system - A particle system.
   * @returns {void}
   * @desc When attached to a node, a particle system’s emitter location follows that node as it moves through the scene. To instead attach a particle system to a location in the scene’s world coordinate space, use the corresponding method on SCNScene.For details on particle systems, see SCNParticleSystem.
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1523123-addparticlesystem
  addParticleSystem(system) {
    if(this._particleSystems === null){
      this._particleSystems = []

   * Removes a particle system attached to the node.
   * @access public
   * @param {SCNParticleSystem} system - A particle system.
   * @returns {void}
   * @desc This method has no effect if the system parameter does not reference a particle system directly attached to the node.
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1524014-removeparticlesystem
  removeParticleSystem(system) {
    if(this._particleSystems === null){
    const index = this._particleSystems.indexOf(system)
    this._particleSystems.splice(index, 1)

   * Removes any particle systems directly attached to the node.
   * @access public
   * @returns {void}
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1522801-removeallparticlesystems
  removeAllParticleSystems() {
    this._particleSystems = []

   * The particle systems attached to the node.
   * @access public
   * @type {?SCNParticleSystem[]}
   * @desc An array of SCNParticleSystem objects directly attached to the node. This array does not include particle systems attached to the node's child nodes. For details on particle systems, see SCNParticleSystem.
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1522705-particlesystems
  get particleSystems() {
    return this._particleSystems

  // Working With Positional Audio

   * Adds the specified auto player to the node and begins playback.
   * @access public
   * @param {SCNAudioPlayer} player - An audio player object.
   * @returns {void}
   * @desc Positional audio effects from a player attached to a node are based on that node’s position relative to the audioListener position in the scene.After playback has completed, SceneKit automatically removes the audio player from the node.
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1523464-addaudioplayer
  addAudioPlayer(player) {
    if(this._audioPlayers.indexOf(player) < 0){

   * Removes the specified audio player from the node, stopping playback.
   * @access public
   * @param {SCNAudioPlayer} player - An audio player attached to the node.
   * @returns {void}
   * @desc This method has no effect if the player parameter does not reference an audio player directly attached to the node.
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1522767-removeaudioplayer
  removeAudioPlayer(player) {
    const index = this._audioPlayers.indexOf(player)
    if(index >= 0){
      delete this._audioPlayers[index]

   * Removes all audio players attached to the node, stopping playback.
   * @access public
   * @returns {void}
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1523570-removeallaudioplayers
  removeAllAudioPlayers() {
    this._audioPlayers.forEach((player) => {
    this._audioPlayers = []

   * The audio players currently attached to the node.
   * @type {SCNAudioPlayer[]}
   * @desc Positional audio effects from a player attached to a node are based on that node’s position relative to the audioListener position in the scene.After an audio player completes playback, SceneKit automatically removes it from the node. Therefore, this array always contains audio players that are currently playing back audio.
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1523244-audioplayers
  get audioPlayers() {
    return this._audioPlayers.slice(0)

  // Copying a Node

   * Creates a copy of the node and its children.
   * @access public
   * @returns {SCNNode} - 
   * @desc This method recursively copies the node and its child nodes. For a nonrecursive copy, use the inherited copy() method, which creates a copy of the node without any child nodes.Cloning or copying a node creates a duplicate of the node object, but not the geometries, lights, cameras, and other SceneKit objects attached to it—instead, each copied node shares references to these objects.This behavior means that you can use cloning to, for example, place the same geometry at several locations within a scene without  maintaining multiple copies of the geometry and its materials. However, it also means that changes to the objects attached to one node will affect other nodes that share the same attachments. For example, to render two copies of a node using different materials, you must copy both the node and its geometry before assigning a new material.- (void)duplicateNode:(SCNNode *)node withMaterial:(SCNMaterial *)material
    SCNNode *newNode = [node clone];
    newNode.geometry = [node.geometry copy];
    newNode.geometry.firstMaterial = material;
Multiple copies of an SCNGeometry object efficiently share the same vertex data, so you can copy geometries without a significant performance penalty.- (void)duplicateNode:(SCNNode *)node withMaterial:(SCNMaterial *)material
    SCNNode *newNode = [node clone];
    newNode.geometry = [node.geometry copy];
    newNode.geometry.firstMaterial = material;

   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1408046-clone
  clone() {
    const node = this.copy()
    this._childNodes.forEach((child) => {

    return node

   * Creates an optimized copy of the node and its children.
   * @access public
   * @returns {SCNNode} - 
   * @desc Rendering complex node hierarchies can incur a performance cost. Each geometry and material requires a separate draw command to be sent to the GPU, and each draw command comes with a performance overhead. If you plan for a portion of your scene’s node hierarchy to remain static (with respect to itself, if not the rest of the scene), use this method to create a single node containing all elements of that node hierarchy that SceneKit can render using fewer draw commands.
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1407960-flattenedclone
  flattenedClone() {
    return null

  // Hit-Testing

   * Searches the node’s child node subtree for objects intersecting a line segment between two specified points.
   * @access public
   * @param {SCNVector3} pointA - An endpoint of the line segment to search along, specified in the node’s local coordinate system.
   * @param {SCNVector3} pointB - The other endpoint of the line segment to search along, specified in the node’s local coordinate system.
   * @param {?Map<string, Object>} [options = null] - A dictionary of options affecting the search. See Hit Testing Options Keys for acceptable values.
   * @returns {SCNHitTestResult[]} - 
   * @desc Hit-testing is the process of finding elements of a scene located along a specified line segment in the scene’s coordinate space (or that of a particular node in the scene). For example, you can use this method to determine whether a projectile launched by a game character will hit its target.To search for the scene element corresponding to a two-dimensional point in the rendered image, use the renderer’s hitTest(_:options:) method instead.
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1407998-hittestwithsegment
  hitTestWithSegmentFromTo(pointA, pointB, options = null) {
    const worldPointA = this.convertPositionTo(pointA, null)
    const worldPointB = this.convertPositionTo(pointB, null)
    const results = []
    this.enumerateChildNodes((child) => {
        const hits = SCNPhysicsWorld._hitTestWithSegmentNode(worldPointA, worldPointB, child.presentation)
        if(hits.length > 0){
          // convert from the child's coordinate to this node's coordinate
          for(const h of hits){
            h._node = child
            h._worldCoordinates = child.convertPositionTo(h._localCoordinates, null)
            h._worldNormal = child.convertPositionTo(h._localNormal, null)
            h._localCoordinates = this.convertPositionFrom(h._localCoordinates, child)
            h._localNormal = this.convertPositionFrom(h._localNormal, child)
    // TODO: sort by the distance
    if(results.length > 0){
      console.error('hitTestWithSegmentFromTo: ' + results.length)
    return results

  // Converting Between Node Coordinate Spaces

   * Converts a position to the node’s coordinate space from that defined by another node.
   * @access public
   * @param {SCNVector3} position - A position in the local coordinate space defined by the other node.
   * @param {?SCNNode} node - Another node in the same scene graph as the node, or nil to convert from the scene’s world coordinate space.
   * @returns {SCNVector3} - 
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1408018-convertposition
  convertPositionFrom(position, node) {
    if(node === null){
      return position.transform(this._worldTransform.invert())
    return position.transform(node._worldTransform).transform(this._worldTransform.invert())

   * Converts a position from the node’s coordinate space to that defined by another node.
   * @access public
   * @param {SCNVector3} position - A position in the node’s local coordinate space.
   * @param {?SCNNode} node - Another node in the same scene graph as the node, or nil to convert to the scene’s world coordinate space.
   * @returns {SCNVector3} - 
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1407990-convertposition
  convertPositionTo(position, node) {
    if(node === null){
      return position.transform(this._worldTransform)
    return position.transform(this._worldTransform).transform(node._worldTransform.invert())

   * Converts a transformation to the node’s coordinate space from that defined by another node.
   * @access public
   * @param {SCNMatrix4} transform - A transformation relative to the local coordinate space defined by the other node.
   * @param {?SCNNode} node - Another node in the same scene graph as the node, or nil to convert from the scene’s world coordinate space.
   * @returns {SCNMatrix4} - 
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1407996-converttransform
  convertTransformFrom(transform, node = null) {
    if(node === null){
      return transform.mult(this._worldTransform.invert())
    return transform.mult(node._worldTransform).mult(this._worldTransform.invert())

   * Converts a transformation from the node’s coordinate space to that defined by another node.
   * @access public
   * @param {SCNMatrix4} transform - A transformation relative to the node’s coordinate space.
   * @param {?SCNNode} node - Another node in the same scene graph as the node, or nil to convert to the scene’s world coordinate space.
   * @returns {SCNMatrix4} - 
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/1407986-converttransform
  convertTransformTo(transform, node = null) {
    if(node === null){
      return transform.mult(this._worldTransform)
    return transform.mult(this._worldTransform).mult(node._worldTransform.invert())

   * @type {SCNVector3}
   * @desc 
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/2867392-worldfront
  get worldFront() {
    return _localFront.rotate(this.worldTransform)

   * @type {SCNVector3}
   * @desc 
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/2867404-worldright
  get worldRight() {
    return _localRight.rotate(this.worldTransform)

   * @type {SCNVector3}
   * @desc 
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/2867395-worldup
  get worldUp() {
    return _localUp.rotate(this.worldTransform)

   * @type {SCNVector3}
   * @desc 
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/2867393-localfront
  static get localFront() {
    return _localFront

   * @type {SCNVector3}
   * @desc 
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/2867400-localright
  static get localRight() {
    return _localRight

   * @type {SCNVector3}
   * @desc 
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/2867386-localup
  static get localUp() {
    return _localUp

   * @access public
   * @param {SCNVector3} vector - 
   * @param {?SCNNode} node - 
   * @returns {SCNVector3} - 
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/2867403-convertvector
  convertVectorFrom(vector, node) {
    // TODO: implement

   * @access public
   * @param {SCNVector3} vector - 
   * @param {?SCNNode} node - 
   * @returns {SCNVector3} - 
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/2867397-convertvector
  convertVectorTo(vector, node) {
    // TODO: implement

   * @access public
   * @param {SCNQuaternion} rotation - 
   * @returns {void}
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/2867398-localrotate
  localRotateBy(rotation) {
    // TODO: implement

   * @access public
   * @param {SCNVector3} translation - 
   * @returns {void}
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/2867383-localtranslate
  localTranslateBy(translation) {
    // TODO: implement

   * @access public
   * @param {SCNVector3} worldTarget - 
   * @returns {void}
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/2867394-look
  lookAt(worldTarget) {
    // TODO: implement

   * @access public
   * @param {SCNVector3} worldTarget - 
   * @param {SCNVector3} worldUp - 
   * @param {SCNVector3} localFront - 
   * @returns {void}
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/2867396-look
  lookAtUp(worldTarget, worldUp, localFront) {
    // TODO: implement

   * @access public
   * @param {SCNQuaternion} worldRotation - 
   * @param {SCNVector3} worldTarget - 
   * @returns {void}
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/2867399-rotate
  rotateByAroundTarget(worldRotation, worldTarget) {
    // TODO: implement

   * @access public
   * @param {SCNMatrix4} worldTransform - 
   * @returns {void}
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/2867401-setworldtransform
  setWorldTransform(worldTransform) {
    // TODO: implement

  // SCNActionable //

  // Running Actions

   * Required. Adds an action to the list of actions executed by the node.
   * @access public
   * @param {SCNAction} action - The action to be performed.
   * @returns {void}
   * @desc SceneKit begins running a newly added action when it prepares to render the next frame.
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnactionable/1523164-runaction
  runAction(action) {
    this.runActionForKey(action, Symbol())

   * Required. Adds an action to the list of actions executed by the node. SceneKit calls the specified block when the action completes.
   * @access public
   * @param {SCNAction} action - The action to be performed.
   * @param {?function(): void} [block = null] - A completion block that SceneKit calls when the action completes.
   * @returns {void}
   * @desc The new action is processed the next time SceneKit prepares to render a frame.SceneKit calls your block after the action’s duration is complete. For example, in a game you could use this method to show a Game Over message after performing a fade-out action on a node that displays a player character.
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnactionable/1524219-runaction
  runActionCompletionHandler(action, block = null) {
    this.runActionForKeyCompletionHandler(action, Symbol(), block)

   * Required. Adds an identifiable action to the list of actions executed by the node.
   * @access public
   * @param {SCNAction} action - The action to be performed.
   * @param {?string} key - A unique key used to identify the action.
   * @returns {void}
   * @desc This method is identical to runAction(_:), but the action is stored and identified so that you can retrieve or cancel it later. If an action using the same key is already running, SceneKit removes it before adding the new action.
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnactionable/1524222-runaction
  runActionForKey(action, key) {
    this.runActionForKeyCompletionHandler(action, key, null)

   * Required. Adds an identifiable action to the list of actions executed by the node. SceneKit calls the specified block when the action completes.
   * @access public
   * @param {SCNAction} action - The action to be performed.
   * @param {?string} key - A unique key used to identify the action.
   * @param {?function(): void} [block = null] - A completion block called when the action completes.
   * @returns {void}
   * @desc This method is identical to runAction(_:completionHandler:), but the action is stored and identified so that you can retrieve or cancel it later. If an action using the same key is already running, SceneKit removes it before adding the new action.SceneKit calls your block after the action’s duration is complete. For example, you can use this method with a wait action to execute some code after a timed delay. If during the delay period you need to prevent the code from running, use the removeAction(forKey:) method to cancel it.
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnactionable/1522791-runaction
  runActionForKeyCompletionHandler(action, key, block = null) {
    if(typeof key === 'undefined' || key === null){
      key = Symbol()
    const act = action.copy()
    // FIXME: use current frame time
    act._actionStartTime = Date.now() * 0.001
    act._completionHandler = block
    this._actions.set(key, act)

  // Inspecting a Node’s Running Actions

   * Required. Returns an action associated with a specific key.
   * @access public
   * @param {string} key - A string that uniquely identifies a action.
   * @returns {?SCNAction} - 
   * @desc Use this method to retrieve actions you scheduled using the runAction(_:forKey:) or runAction(_:forKey:completionHandler:) method.
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnactionable/1523287-action
  actionForKey(key) {
    return this._actions.get(key)

   * Required. A Boolean value that indicates whether the node is currently executing any actions.
   * @type {boolean}
   * @desc This value is true if the node has any executing actions; otherwise the value is false.
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnactionable/1523794-hasactions
  get hasActions() {
    return this._actions.size > 0

   * Required. The list of keys for which the node has attached actions.
   * @type {string[]}
   * @desc Use this property to list actions you scheduled using the runAction(_:forKey:) or runAction(_:forKey:completionHandler:) method.
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnactionable/1523036-actionkeys
  get actionKeys() {
    const keys = []
    for(const key of this._actions.keys()){
    return keys

  // Canceling a Node’s Running Actions

   * Required. Removes an action associated with a specific key.
   * @access public
   * @param {string} key - A string that uniquely identifies a action.
   * @returns {void}
   * @desc If the node is currently running an action that matches the key, SceneKit removes that action from the node, skipping any remaining animation it would perform but keeping any changes already made to the node.Use this method to cancel actions you scheduled using the runAction(_:forKey:) or runAction(_:forKey:completionHandler:) method.
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnactionable/1523617-removeaction
  removeActionForKey(key) {
    // TODO: stop action

   * Required. Ends and removes all actions from the node.
   * @access public
   * @returns {void}
   * @desc When SceneKit removes an action from a node, it skips any remaining animation the action would perform. However, any changes the action has already made to the node’s state remain in effect.
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnactionable/1524181-removeallactions
  removeAllActions() {
    // TODO: stop actions

  // SCNAnimatable //

  // Managing Animations

   * Required. Adds an animation object for the specified key.
   * @access public
   * @param {CAAnimation} animation - The animation object to be added.
   * @param {?string} key - An string identifying the animation for later retrieval. You may pass nil if you don’t need to reference the animation later.
   * @returns {void}
   * @desc Newly added animations begin executing after the current run loop cycle ends.SceneKit does not define any requirements for the contents of the key parameter—it need only be unique among the keys for other animations you add. If you add an animation with an existing key, this method overwrites the existing animation.
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnanimatable/1523386-addanimation
  addAnimationForKey(animation, key) {
    if(typeof key === 'undefined' || key === null){
      key = Symbol()
    //const anim = animation.copy()
    const anim = animation

    // FIXME: use current frame time
    anim._animationStartTime = Date.now() * 0.001

    this._animations.set(key, anim)

   * @access private
   * @param {CAAnimation} animatino -
   * @param {number} time -
   * @returns {void}
  _setAnimationStartTime(animation, time) {
    animation._animationStartTime = time
    animation._prevTime = time - 0.0000001
    if(animation instanceof CAAnimationGroup){
      animation.animations.forEach((anim) => {
        this._setAnimationStartTime(anim, time)

   * Required. Returns the animation with the specified key.
   * @access public
   * @param {string} key - A string identifying a previously added animation.
   * @returns {?CAAnimation} - 
   * @desc Attempting to modify any properties of the returned object results in undefined behavior.
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnanimatable/1524020-animation
  animationForKey(key) {
    return this._animations.get(key)

   * Required. Removes all the animations currently attached to the object.
   * @access public
   * @returns {void}
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnanimatable/1522762-removeallanimations
  removeAllAnimations() {
    // TODO: stop animations

   * Required. Removes the animation attached to the object with the specified key.
   * @access public
   * @param {string} key - A string identifying an attached animation to remove.
   * @returns {void}
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnanimatable/1522880-removeanimation
  removeAnimationForKey(key) {
    this.removeAnimationForKeyBlendOutDuration(key, 0)

   * @access public
   * @param {string} key -
   * @param {number} duration -
   * @returns {void}
  removeAnimationForKeyBlendOutDuration(key, duration) {
    // FIXME: use duration

   * Required. Removes the animation attached to the object with the specified key, smoothly transitioning out of the animation’s effect.
   * @access public
   * @param {string} key - A string identifying an attached animation to remove.
   * @param {number} duration - The duration for transitioning out of the animation’s effect before it is removed.
   * @returns {void}
   * @desc Use this method to create smooth transitions between the effects of multiple animations. For example, the geometry loaded from a scene file for a game character may have associated animations for player actions such as walking and jumping. When the player lands from a jump, you remove the jump animation so the character continues walking. If you use the removeAnimation(forKey:) method to remove the jump animation, SceneKit abruptly switches from the current frame of the jump animation to the current frame of the walk animation. If you use the removeAnimation(forKey:fadeOutDuration:) method instead, SceneKit plays both animations at once during that duration and interpolates vertex positions from one animation to the other, creating a smooth transition.
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnanimatable/1522841-removeanimation
  removeAnimationForKeyFadeOutDuration(key, duration) {
    // FIXME: use fadeout duration

   * Required. An array containing the keys of all animations currently attached to the object.
   * @type {string[]}
   * @desc This array contains all keys for which animations are attached to the object, or is empty if there are no attached animations. The ordering of animation keys in the array is arbitrary.
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnanimatable/1523610-animationkeys
  get animationKeys() {
    const keys = []
    for(const key of this._animations.keys()){
    return keys

  // Pausing and Resuming Animations

   * Required. Pauses the animation attached to the object with the specified key.
   * @access public
   * @param {string} key - A string identifying an attached animation.
   * @returns {void}
   * @desc This method has no effect if no animation is attached to the object with the specified key.
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnanimatable/1523592-pauseanimation
  pauseAnimationForKey(key) {

   * Required. Resumes a previously paused animation attached to the object with the specified key.
   * @access public
   * @param {string} key - A string identifying an attached animation.
   * @returns {void}
   * @desc This method has no effect if no animation is attached to the object with the specified key or if the specified animation is not currently paused.
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnanimatable/1523332-resumeanimation
  resumeAnimationForKey(key) {

   * Required. Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the animation attached to the object with the specified key is paused.
   * @access public
   * @param {string} key - A string identifying an attached animation.
   * @returns {boolean} - 
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnanimatable/1523703-isanimationpaused
  isAnimationPausedForKey(key) {
    return false

  // Instance Methods

   * Required. 
   * @access public
   * @param {number} speed - 
   * @param {string} key - 
   * @returns {void}
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnanimatable/1778343-setanimationspeed
  setAnimationSpeedForKey(speed, key) {

  _setAnimationsToPlayers() {
    const len = this._animationPlayers._values.length
    if(len > 0 && this._animations._values.length > 0){
      for(let i=0; i<len; i++){
        this._animationPlayers._values[i]._animation = this._animations._values[i]

   * @access public
   * @param {SCNAnimationPlayer} player -
   * @param {?string} key -
   * @returns {void}
  addAnimationPlayerForKey(player, key) {
    if(typeof key === 'undefined' || key === null){
      key = Symbol()

    this._animationPlayers.set(key, player)

   * @access public
   * @param {string} key -
   * @returns {SCNAnimationPlayer} -
  animationPlayerForKey(key) {
    return this._animationPlayers.get(key)

  // SCNBoundingVolume //

  // Working with Bounding Volumes

   * The minimum and maximum corner points of the object’s bounding box.
   * @type {{min: SCNVector3, max: SCNVector3}}
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnboundingvolume/2034705-boundingbox
  get boundingBox() {
      return this._fixedBoundingBox
    return this._boundingBox
  set boundingBox(newValue) {
    this._fixedBoundingBox = newValue

   * The center point and radius of the object’s bounding sphere.
   * @type {{center: SCNVector3, radius: number}}
   * @desc Scene Kit defines a bounding sphere in the local coordinate space using a center point and a radius. For example, if a node’s bounding sphere has the center point {3, 1, 4} and radius 2.0, all points in the vertex data of node’s geometry (and any geometry attached to its child nodes) lie within 2.0 units of the center point.The coordinates provided when reading this property are valid only if the object has a volume to be measured. For a geometry containing no vertex data or a node containing no geometry (and whose child nodes, if any, contain no geometry), the values center and radius are both zero.
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnboundingvolume/2034707-boundingsphere
  get boundingSphere() {
    // TODO: calculate bounding sphere
    return {center: new SCNVector3(), radius: 0}

  _geometryBoundingBox() {
    if(this._geometry === null){
      return {
        min: new SCNVector3(Infinity, Infinity, Infinity),
        max: new SCNVector3(-Infinity, -Infinity, -Infinity)
    const boundingBox = this._geometry.boundingBox
    // FIXME: rotate and scale
    if(this.skinner && this.skinner.baseGeometryBindTransform){
      const tx = this.skinner.baseGeometryBindTransform.m41
      const ty = this.skinner.baseGeometryBindTransform.m42
      const tz = this.skinner.baseGeometryBindTransform.m43
      boundingBox.min.x += tx
      boundingBox.min.y += ty
      boundingBox.min.z += tz
      boundingBox.max.x += tx
      boundingBox.max.y += ty
      boundingBox.max.z += tz

    //return this._geometry.boundingBox
    //return this._geometry._updateBoundingBoxForSkinner(this.skinner)
    return boundingBox

  _updateBoundingBox() {
    // FIXME: use rotation of the node
    let box = this._geometryBoundingBox()
    const p = this._presentation ? this._presentation : this
    if(p.geometry !== null){
      if(box === null){
        box = p.geometry._updateBoundingBox()
      box = this._unionBoundingBox(box, p.geometry.boundingBox)
    const scale = p._scale
    if(scale.x < 0){
      const minX = box.max.x * scale.x
      const maxX = box.min.x * scale.x
      box.min.x = minX
      box.max.x = maxX
      box.min.x *= scale.x
      box.max.x *= scale.x
    if(scale.y < 0){
      const minY = box.max.y * scale.y
      const maxY = box.min.y * scale.y
      box.min.y = minY
      box.max.y = maxY
      box.min.y *= scale.y
      box.max.y *= scale.y
    if(scale.z < 0){
      const minZ = box.max.z * scale.z
      const maxZ = box.min.z * scale.z
      box.min.z = minZ
      box.max.z = maxZ
      box.min.z *= scale.z
      box.max.z *= scale.z

    for(const child of this._childNodes){
      const cbox = child._updateBoundingBox()
      box = this._unionChildBoundingBox(box, cbox)
    this._boundingBox = box
    return box

  _unionBoundingBox(box1, box2) {
    if(box1 === null){
      return box2
    if(box2 === null){
      return box1
    const min = new SCNVector3()
    const max = new SCNVector3()
    min.x = Math.min(box1.min.x, box2.min.x)
    min.y = Math.min(box1.min.y, box2.min.y)
    min.z = Math.min(box1.min.z, box2.min.z)
    max.x = Math.max(box1.max.x, box2.max.x)
    max.y = Math.max(box1.max.y, box2.max.y)
    max.z = Math.max(box1.max.z, box2.max.z)
    return { min: min, max: max }

  _unionChildBoundingBox(box, cbox) {
    const p = this._presentation ? this._presentation : this
    const pos = p._position
    const scale = p._scale
    const min = new SCNVector3(
      (cbox.min.x + pos.x) * scale.x,
      (cbox.min.y + pos.y) * scale.y,
      (cbox.min.z + pos.z) * scale.z
    const max = new SCNVector3(
      (cbox.max.x + pos.x) * scale.x,
      (cbox.max.y + pos.y) * scale.y,
      (cbox.max.z + pos.z) * scale.z
    return this._unionBoundingBox(box, { min: min, max: max })

  _updateTransform() {
    const m1 = SCNMatrix4.matrixWithScale(this._scale)
    const m2 = m1.rotation(this._rotation)
    const m3 = m2.translation(this._position)
    this._transform = m3
    this._transformUpToDate = true

   * @access public
   * @returns {SCNNode} -
  copy() {
    const node = new SCNNode()
    node.name = this.name
    node.light = this.light
    node.camera = this.camera
    node._geometry = this._geometry
    node.morpher = this.morpher ? this.morpher._copy() : null
    node.skinner = this.skinner
    node.categoryBitMask = this.categoryBitMask
    node.isPaused = this.isPaused
    node._presentation = this._presentation ? this._presentation.copy() : null
    node._isPresentationInstance = this._isPresentationInstance
    node.constraints = this.constraints ? this.constraints.slice(0) : null
    node.isHidden = this.isHidden
    node._opacity = this._opacity
    node.renderingOrder = this.renderingOrder
    node.castsShadow = this.castsShadow
    node.movabilityHint = this.movabilityHint
    node.filters = this.filters ? this.filters.slice(0) : null
    node.rendererDelegate = this.rendererDelegate
    node._physicsBody = this._physicsBody // FIXME: copy
    node.physicsField = this.physicsField
    node._particleSystems = this._particleSystems ? this._particleSystems.slice(0) : null
    node._audioPlayers = this._audioPlayers
    //node._hasActions = this._hasActions
    node._actions = new Map(this._actions)
    node._animations = this._animations.copy()
    node._boundingBox = this._boundingBox
    //node._boundingSphere = this._boundingSphere

    node._position = new SCNVector3(this._position.x, this._position.y, this._position.z)
    node._rotation = new SCNVector4(this._rotation.x, this._rotation.y, this._rotation.z, this._rotation.w)
    node._scale = new SCNVector3(this._scale.x, this._scale.y, this._scale.z)
    node._transformUpToDate = false
    return node

  _copyTransformToPresentation() {
    if(this._presentation === null){
    const p = this._presentation
    p._position = this._position._copy()
    p._rotation = this._rotation._copy()
    p._scale = this._scale._copy()

  _copyTransformToPresentationRecursive() {
    const nodes = [this]
    while(nodes.length > 0){
      const node = nodes.shift()

  _copyMaterialPropertiesToPresentation() {
    const p = this._presentation
      for(const material of this._geometry.materials){
    p.opacity = this.opacity

  _copyMorpherToPresentation() {
    const p = this._presentation
      p.morpher.targets = this.morpher.targets.slice(0)
      p.morpher._weights = this.morpher._weights.slice(0)
      p.morpher.calculationMode = this.morpher.calculationMode

  get viewTransform() {
    return this.worldTransform.invert()

  get inverseViewTransform() {
    return this.worldTransform

  get projectionTransform() {
    if(this.camera === null){
      return null
    return this.camera.projectionTransform

  get viewProjectionTransform() {
    if(this.camera === null){
      return null
    const proj = this.camera.projectionTransform
    const view = this.viewTransform
    return view.mult(proj)

  get lightViewProjectionTransform() {
    if(this.light === null){
      return null
    const proj = this.light._projectionTransform
    const view = this.viewTransform
    return view.mult(proj)

  get shadowProjectionTransform() {
    if(this.light === null){
      return null
    const vp = this.lightViewProjectionTransform
    const scale = SCNMatrix4MakeTranslation(1.0, 1.0, 0.0).scale(0.5, 0.5, 1.0) // [-1, 1] => [0, 1]
    return vp.mult(scale)

   * Invoked by value(forKey:) when it finds no property corresponding to a given key.
   * @access public
   * @param {string} key - A string that is not equal to the name of any of the receiver's properties.
   * @returns {?Object} - 
   * @desc Subclasses can override this method to return an alternate value for undefined keys. The default implementation raises an NSUndefinedKeyException.
   * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/objectivec/nsobject/1413457-value
  valueForUndefinedKey(key) {
    if(key.charAt(0) === '/'){
      const nodeID = key.substr(1)
      if(this._nodeID === nodeID){
        return this
      let node = this._childNodeWithNodeIDRecursively(nodeID)
        return node
      node = this.childNodeWithNameRecursively(nodeID)
        return node
      const rootNode = this._rootNode
      if(rootNode !== this){
        node = rootNode._childNodeWithNodeIDRecursively(nodeID)
          return node
        node = rootNode.childNodeWithNameRecursively(nodeID)
          return node
    return super.valueForUndefinedKey(key)

  valueForKeyPath(keyPath, usePresentation = true) {
    const target = (usePresentation && this._presentation) ? this._presentation : this
    const paths = keyPath.split('.')
    const key = paths[0]
    const key2 = paths[1]

    if(key === 'position'){
        return target.position[key2]
      return target.position
    }else if(key === 'rotation'){
        return target.rotation[key2]
      return target.rotation
    }else if(key === 'scale'){
        return target.scale[key2]
      return target.scale
    }else if(key === 'eulerAngles'){
        return target.eulerAngles[key2]
      return target.eulerAngles
    }else if(key === 'orientation'){
        return target.orientation[key2]
      return target.orientation
    }else if(key === 'transform'){
        return target.transform[key2]
      return target.transform
    return super.valueForKeyPath(keyPath, usePresentation)

  setValueForKey(value, key) {
    // FIXME: check flags to decide to use a presentation node
    const target = this._presentation ? this._presentation : this

    if(key === 'position'){
      target.position = value
    }else if(key === 'rotation'){
      target.rotation = value
    }else if(key === 'scale'){
      target.scale = value
    }else if(key === 'eulerAngles'){
      target.eulerAngles = value
    }else if(key === 'orientation'){
      target.orientation = value
    }else if(key === 'transform'){
      target.transform = value
      super.setValueForKey(value, key)

  setValueForKeyPath(value, keyPath) {
    const target = this._presentation ? this._presentation : this

    const paths = keyPath.split('.')
    const key = paths.shift()
    const restPath = paths.join('.')
    //console.log(`SCNNode setValueForKeyPath ${this.name} ${key} ${restPath}`)
    if(key === 'transform'){
        case 'rotation.x':
          target._rotation.x = value
          target._transformUpToDate = false
        case 'rotation.y':
          target._rotation.y = value
          target._transformUpToDate = false
        case 'rotation.z':
          target._rotation.z = value
          target._transformUpToDate = false
        case 'rotation':
          target._rotation.z = value
          target._transformUpToDate = false
        case 'quaternion':
          target.orientation = value
          target._transformUpToDate = false
        case 'scale.x':
          target._scale.x = value
          target._transformUpToDate = false
        case 'scale.y':
          target._scale.y = value
          target._transformUpToDate = false
        case 'scale.z':
          target._scale.z = value
          target._transformUpToDate = false
        case 'scale': {
          target._scale.x = value.x
          target._scale.y = value.y
          target._scale.z = value.z
          target._transformUpToDate = false
        case 'translation.x':
          target._position.x = value
          target._transformUpToDate = false
        case 'translation.y':
          target._position.y = value
          target._transformUpToDate = false
        case 'translation.z':
          target._position.z = value
          target._transformUpToDate = false
        case 'translation':
          target._position.x = value.x
          target._position.y = value.y
          target._transformUpToDate = false
          // do nothing
    }else if(key === 'position'){
      if(restPath !== ''){
        target._position[restPath] = value
        target._position = value
    }else if(key === 'rotation'){
      if(restPath !== ''){
        target._rotation[restPath] = value
        target._rotation = value
    }else if(key === 'orientation'){
      if(restPath !== ''){
        const v = target.orientation
        v[restPath] = value
        target.orientation = v
        target.orientation = value
    }else if(key === 'eulerAngles'){
      if(restPath !== ''){
        const v = target.eulerAngles
        v[restPath] = value
        target.eulerAngles = v
        target.eulerAngles = value
    }else if(key === 'scale'){
      if(restPath !== ''){
        target._scale[restPath] = value
        target._scale = value
    }else if(key === 'morpher'){
      if(target.morpher === null){
        throw new Error('target morpher === null')
      target.morpher.setValueForKeyPath(value, restPath)
    // TODO: add other properties

    super.setValueForKeyPath(value, keyPath)

   * @access private
   * @returns {Ammo.btTransform} -
   * @desc call Ammo.destroy(transform) after using it.
  _createBtTransform() {
    //const transform = new Ammo.btTransform()
    //const pos = this.position.createBtVector3()
    //const rot = this.orientation.craeteBtQuaternion()
    //return transform

  _createBtCollisionShape() {
    //if(this._geometry === null){
    //  throw new Error('geometry is null')
    //return this._geometry._createBtCollisionShape()

  destory() {
    //if(this.physicsBody !== null){
    //  this.physicsBody.destory()
    //  this.physicsBody = null
    //if(this._geometry !== null){
    //  // the geometry might be shared with other nodes...
    //  //this.geometry.destroy()

   * @access private
   * @returns {void}
  _resetPromise() {
    this._loadedPromise = null

   * @access private
   * @returns {void}
  _resetPromiseRecursively() {
    for(const child of this._childNodes){

   * @access private
   * @returns {Promise} -
  _getLoadedPromise() {
      return this._loadedPromise

    const promises = []
    for(const child of this._childNodes){
      for(const system of this._particleSystems){
    for(const player of this._audioPlayers){
    //this._loadedPromise = Promise.all(promises)
    //return this._loadedPromise
    return Promise.all(promises)

   * @access public
   * @returns {Promise} -
  get didLoad() {
    return this._getLoadedPromise()