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import CAPropertyAnimation from './CAPropertyAnimation'
//import CGPath from '../CoreGraphics/CGPath'
//import CAMediaTimingFunction from './CAMediaTimingFunction'
import * as Constants from '../constants'

 * An object that provides keyframe animation capabilities for a layer object. 
 * @access public
 * @extends {CAPropertyAnimation}
 * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/quartzcore/cakeyframeanimation
export default class CAKeyframeAnimation extends CAPropertyAnimation {
  // Creating an Animation

   * Creates and returns an CAKeyframeAnimation instance for the specified key path.
   * @access public
   * @constructor
   * @param {?string} path - 
  constructor(path) {

    // Providing keyframe values

     * An array of objects that specify the keyframe values to use for the animation.
     * @type {?Object[]}
     * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/quartzcore/cakeyframeanimation/1412498-values
    this.values = null

     * The path for a point-based property to follow.
     * @type {?CGPath}
     * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/quartzcore/cakeyframeanimation/1412474-path
    this.path = null

    // Keyframe timing

     * An optional array of NSNumber objects that define the time at which to apply a given keyframe segment.
     * @type {?number[]}
     * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/quartzcore/cakeyframeanimation/1412522-keytimes
    this.keyTimes = null

     * An optional array of CAMediaTimingFunction objects that define the pacing for each keyframe segment.
     * @type {?CAMediaTimingFunction[]}
     * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/quartzcore/cakeyframeanimation/1412465-timingfunctions
    this.timingFunctions = null

     * Specifies how intermediate keyframe values are calculated by the receiver.
     * @type {string}
     * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/quartzcore/cakeyframeanimation/1412500-calculationmode
    this.calculationMode = Constants.kCAAnimationLinear

    // Rotation Mode Attribute

     * Determines whether objects animating along the path rotate to match the path tangent.
     * @type {?string}
     * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/quartzcore/cakeyframeanimation/1412454-rotationmode
    this.rotationMode = null

    // Cubic Mode Attributes

     * An array of NSNumber objects that define the tightness of the curve. 
     * @type {?number[]}
     * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/quartzcore/cakeyframeanimation/1412475-tensionvalues
    this.tensionValues = null

     * An array of NSNumber objects that define the sharpness of the timing curve’s corners.
     * @type {?number[]}
     * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/quartzcore/cakeyframeanimation/1412491-continuityvalues
    this.continuityValues = null

     * An array of NSNumber objects that define the position of the curve relative to a control point.
     * @type {?number[]}
     * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/quartzcore/cakeyframeanimation/1412485-biasvalues
    this.biasValues = null

     * @access private
     * @type {number}
    this._indexCache = 0

   * @access public
   * @returns {CAKeyframeAnimation} -
  copy() {
    const anim = super.copy()

    anim.values = this.values ? this.values.slice() : null
    anim.path = this.path
    anim.keyTimes = this.keyTimes ? this.keyTimes.slice() : null
    anim.timingFunctions = this.timingFunctions ? this.timingFunctions.slice() : null
    anim.calculationMode = this.calculationMode
    anim.rotationMode = this.rotationMode
    anim.tensionValues = this.tensionValues ? this.tensionValues.slice() : null
    anim.continuityValues = this.continuityValues ? this.continuityValues.slice() : null
    anim.biasValues = this.biasValues ? this.biasValues.slice() : null

    return anim

   * apply animation to the given node.
   * @access private
   * @param {Object} obj - target object to apply this animation.
   * @param {number} time - active time
   * @param {boolean} [needTimeConversion = true] -
   * @returns {void}
  _applyAnimation(obj, time, needTimeConversion = true) {
    let t = time
      const baseTime = this._basetimeFromTime(time)
      t = baseTime

    let index = this._indexCache
    let key0 = 0
    let key1 = 0

    if(t > 1){
      throw new Error(`CAKeyframeAnimation._applyAnimation: t ${t} > 1`)

    const len = this.keyTimes.length
    if(index >= len){
      console.log(`CAKeyframeAnimation index >= len  ${index} >= ${len}`)
      index = len - 1

    // search keyTime linearly
    if(this.keyTimes[index] < t){
      for(; index < len; index++){
        if(this.keyTimes[index] >= t)
      key0 = index - 1
      key1 = index
      for(; index >= 0; index--){
        if(this.keyTimes[index] < t)
      key0 = index
      key1 = index + 1
    if(key0 <= 0){
      key0 = 0
    if(key1 >= len){
      key1 = len - 1

    this._indexCache = key0

    const time0 = this.keyTimes[key0]
    const time1 = this.keyTimes[key1]
    const val0 = this.values[key0]
    const val1 = this.values[key1]

    let value = val0
    if(time0 !== time1){
      const dt = (t - time0) / (time1 - time0)
      let r = dt
      if(this.timingFunctions !== null){
        r = this.timingFunctions[key0]._getValueAtTime(dt)

        case Constants.kCAAnimationLinear:
          value = this._lerp(val0, val1, r)
        case Constants.kCAAnimationDiscrete:
          // TODO: implement
          throw new Error('kCAAnimationDiscrete not implemented')
        case Constants.kCAAnimationPaced:
          // TODO: implement
          throw new Error('kCAAnimationPaced not implemented')
        case Constants.kCAAnimationCubic:
          // TODO: implement
          throw new Error('kCAAnimationCubic not implemented')
        case Constants.kCAAnimationCubicPaced:
          // TODO: impelement
          throw new Error('kCAAnimationCubicPaced not implemented')
          throw new Error(`unknown calculation mode: ${this.calculationMode}`)

      //console.log(`t: ${t}, time0: ${time0}, time1: ${time1}, dt: ${dt}, r: ${r}, value: ${value}`)
      //console.log(`t: ${t}, time0: ${time0}, time1: ${time1}, value: ${value}`)

    value = this._calculateWithBaseValue(obj, value)

    this._applyValue(obj, value)
    this._handleEvents(obj, t)