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import CAAnimation from './CAAnimation'

 * An object that allows multiple animations to be grouped and run concurrently. 
 * @access public
 * @extends {CAAnimation}
 * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/quartzcore/caanimationgroup
export default class CAAnimationGroup extends CAAnimation {

   * constructor
   * @access public
   * @constructor
  constructor() {

    // Grouped animations

     * An array of CAAnimation objects to be evaluated in the time space of the receiver.
     * @type {?CAAnimation[]}
     * @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/quartzcore/caanimationgroup/1412516-animations
    this.animations = []

   * apply animation to the given node.
   * @access private
   * @param {Object} obj - target object to apply this animation.
   * @param {number} time - active time
   * @param {boolean} [needTimeConversion = true] -
   * @returns {void}
  _applyAnimation(obj, time, needTimeConversion = true) {
    let t = time
      const baseTime = this._basetimeFromTime(time)
      t = baseTime
      if(this.timingFunction !== null){
        t = this.timingFunction._getValueAtTime(baseTime)
      //console.log(`time ${time} activeTime ${time - this._animationStartTime} baseTime ${baseTime}`)

    this.animations.forEach((animation) => {
      animation._applyAnimation(obj, t, false)
    this._handleEvents(obj, t)

   * @access public
   * @returns {CAAnimationGroup} -
  copy() {
    const anim = super.copy()

    anim.animations = this.animations.slice()

    return anim

  _copyValue(src) {
    this.animations = src.animations.slice()
