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import SCNPhysicsVehicle from 'jscenekit/js/SceneKit/SCNPhysicsVehicle.js'
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NSObjectSCNPhysicsBehavior → SCNPhysicsVehicle

A physics behavior that modifies a physics body to behave like a car, motorcycle, or other wheeled vehicle.


Constructor Summary

Public Constructor

Each object in the wheels array associates a node with the wheel to serve as its visual representation and defines properties for the wheel’s physical characteristics.

Member Summary

Public Members
public get

The vehicle’s chassis must be a dynamic body.

public get
public get

You can dynamically change the suspension and traction properties of a wheel connected to the vehicle by using the corresponding SCNPhysicsVehicleWheel object or by using Key-value coding with a keypath of the form wheels[index].propertyName.

Method Summary

Public Methods

applyBrakingForceForWheelAt(value: number, index: number): void

Applying a braking force causes the wheel to slow down regardless of the direction it’s currently spinning in.As with all physical quantities in SceneKit, you need not use realistic force measurements in your app—the effects of the physics simulation depend on the relative differences between forces, not on their absolute values.


applyEngineForceForWheelAt(value: number, index: number): void

Applying a positive force turns the wheel in a direction that would move the vehicle forward; applying a negative force moves the vehicle in reverse.As with all physical quantities in SceneKit, you need not use realistic force measurements in your app—the effects of the physics simulation depend on the relative differences between forces, not on their absolute values.


setSteeringAngleForWheelAt(value: number, index: number): void

Steering angles are relative to the wheel’s steeringAxis vector.

Inherited Summary

From class NSObject
public static get

The default returns true.

public static get
public static get
public static

The default implementation returns true.

public static

All perform requests having the same target aTarget are canceled.

public static

All perform requests are canceled that have the same target as aTarget, argument as anArgument, and selector as aSelector.

public static

NSKeyedArchiver calls this method and stores the result inside the archive.

public static

During keyed unarchiving, instances of the receiver will be decoded as members of the returned class.

public static

conformsTo(protocol: Object): boolean

A class is said to “conform to” a protocol if it adopts the protocol or inherits from another class that adopts it.

public static
public static

The marker can be nil or one of the constants described in Selection Markers.

public static

The debugger’s print-object command invokes this method to produce a textual description of an object.NSObject's implementation of this method simply prints the name of the class.

public static

exposeBinding(binding: string): void

The bound property will be accessed using key-value-coding compliant methods.

public static
public static

initWithCoder(coder: *): *

public static

initialize(): void

The runtime sends initialize() to each class in a program just before the class, or any class that inherits from it, is sent its first message from within the program.

public static

An error is generated if instances of the receiver can’t respond to aSelector messages.Use this method to ask the class object for the implementation of instance methods only.

public static

If aSelector messages are forwarded to other objects, instances of the class are able to receive those messages without error even though this method returns false.To ask the class whether it, rather than its instances, can respond to a particular message, send to the class instead the NSObject protocol instance method responds(to:).

public static

isKeyExcludedFromWebScript(name: UnsafePointer<Int8>): boolean

The default value is true.

public static

Only methods with valid parameters and return types are exported to the WebKit JavaScript environment.

public static

Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the receiving class is a subclass of, or identical to, a given class.

public static

When an observer for the key is registered with an instance of the receiving class, key-value observing itself automatically observes all of the key paths for the same instance, and sends change notifications for the key to the observer when the value for any of those key paths changes.The default implementation of this method searches the receiving class for a method whose name matches the pattern +keyPathsForValuesAffecting<Key>, and returns the result of invoking that method if it is found.

public static

load(): void

The load() message is sent to classes and categories that are both dynamically loaded and statically linked, but only if the newly loaded class or category implements a method that can respond.The order of initialization is as follows:All initializers in any framework you link to.All +load methods in your image.All C++ static initializers and C/C++ attribute(constructor) functions in your image.All initializers in frameworks that link to you.In addition:A class’s +load method is called after all of its superclasses’ +load methods.A category +load method is called after the class’s own +load method.In a custom implementation of load() you can therefore safely message other unrelated classes from the same image, but any load() methods implemented by those classes may not have run yet.ImportantCustom implementations of the load method for Swift classes bridged to Objective-C are not called automatically.

public static

This method allows you to dynamically provide an implementation for a given selector.

public static

This method and resolveClassMethod(_:) allow you to dynamically provide an implementation for a given selector.An Objective-C method is simply a C function that take at least two arguments—self and _cmd.

public static

setDefaultPlaceholderForMarkerWithBinding(placeholder: Object, marker: Object, binding: string): void

The marker can be nil or one of the constants described in Selection Markers.

public static

setVersion(aVersion: number): void

The version number is helpful when instances of the class are to be archived and reused later.

public static

Returns the class object for the receiver’s superclass.

public static

If no version has been set, the default is 0.

public static

It is your responsibility to ensure that the returned name is unique to the script invoking this method.

public static

webScriptNameForKey(name: UnsafePointer<Int8>): string

Returns the scripting environment name for an attribute specified by a key.

public get

You can assume that the search for the focus has already been narrowed down to the accessibility element.

public get

In macOS 10.9 and later, a custom accessibility object that is an NSObject subclass can post accessibility notifications if it meets the following criteria:The lifetime of the custom accessibility object must match the lifetime of the corresponding element in the app's UI.Typically, a custom accessibility object that acts as a proxy for an onscreen UI element gets autoreleased and deallocated immediately after the app responds to an accessibility request. Such an object can’t post accessibility notifications, because all registered observers get removed as soon as the object is deallocated. To correct this, an app must guarantee that a custom accessibility object remains allocated for as long as its corresponding UI element remains visible.The object must post the NSAccessibilityUIElementDestroyedNotification notification at the appropriate time. The appropriate time is most likely to be when the corresponding UI element is removed from the screen, but it can also be when the object itself is deallocated. The object must implement accessibilityNotifiesWhenDestroyed and return true.

public get

NSObject’s implementation of attributeKeys simply calls [[self classDescription] attributeKeys].

public get

This property returns a proxy for the receiving object if the receiver adopts the NSDiscardableContent protocol and still has content that has not been discarded.The proxy calls beginContentAccess() on the receiver to keep the content available as long as the proxy lives, and calls endContentAccess() when the proxy is deallocated.The wrapper object is otherwise a subclass of NSProxy and forwards messages to the original receiver object as an NSProxy does.This method can be used to hide an NSDiscardableContent object's content volatility by creating an object that responds to the same messages but holds the contents of the original receiver available as long as the created proxy lives. Thus hidden, the NSDiscardableContent object (by way of the proxy) can be given out to unsuspecting recipients of the object who would otherwise not know they might have to call beginContentAccess() and endContentAccess() around particular usages (specific to each NSDiscardableContent object) of the NSDiscardableContent object.

public get

This property is used by Cocoa’s scripting support classes.

public get

classDescription: NSClassDescription

public get
public get

This method is invoked by NSCoder.

public get

The object will be encoded as if it were a member of the class.

public get
public get

A subclass can override this method to remove bindings that are exposed by a superclass that are not appropriate for the subclass.

public get
public get
public get

The methods of the object are exposed to the script environment.

public get

objectSpecifier: NSScriptObjectSpecifier

public get
public get
public get

webFrame: WebFrame

Only implemented by containers that are based on the WebKit’s plug-in architecture.

public get

The color should be used for any special drawing when the plug-in is selected.


[key]: *


The activation point for the accessibility element, in screen coordinates.


accessibilityCustomActions: UIAccessibilityCustomAction[]

An array of custom actions to display along with the built-in actions.


accessibilityCustomRotors: UIAccessibilityCustomRotor[]


An array of the accessibility elements in the container.


A Boolean value indicating whether the accessibility elements contained within this accessibility element are hidden.


The frame of the accessibility element, in screen coordinates.


A brief description of the result of performing an action on the accessibility element, in a localized string.


A succinct label that identifies the accessibility element, in a localized string.


The language in which to speak the accessibility element's label, value, and hint.


accessibilityNavigationStyle: UIAccessibilityNavigationStyle

The navigation style to apply to the object and its elements.


accessibilityPath: UIBezierPath

The path of the element, in screen coordinates.


accessibilityTraits: UIAccessibilityTraits

The combination of accessibility traits that best characterize the accessibility element.


The value of the accessibility element, in a localized string.


A Boolean value indicating whether VoiceOver should ignore the elements within views that are siblings of the receiver.


A Boolean value indicating whether the receiver is an accessibility element that an assistive application can access.


Returns a pointer that identifies information about all of the observers that are registered with the observed object.


An NSString-keyed dictionary of the receiver's scriptable properties.


A Boolean value indicating whether VoiceOver should group together the elements that are children of the receiver, regardless of their positions on the screen.


acceptsPreviewPanelControl(panel: QLPreviewPanel): boolean

this method was deprecated.

User interface classes must implement this method to return descriptions for all actions returned from accessibilityActionNames().

this method was deprecated.

User interface classes must implement this method.


You can use this method to make complex controls more readily accessible to users.


If attribute is not an array, an exception is raised.


accessibilityArrayAttributeValues(attribute: string, index: number, maxCount: number): Object[]

Note that this method does not take a range.

this method was deprecated.

User interface classes must implement this method.

this method was deprecated.

User interface classes must implement this method.

this method was deprecated.

If you implement this method, also implement accessibilityParameterizedAttributeNames().


If your element has the UIAccessibilityTraitAdjustable trait, you must implement this method.


Returns the accessibility element at the specified index.


Returns the number of accessibility elements in the container.


Override accessibilityElementDidBecomeFocused if you need to know when an assistive technology has set its virtual focus on an accessibility element.


Override accessibilityElementDidLoseFocus if you need to know when an assistive technology has removed its virtual focus from an accessibility element.


Returns a Boolean value indicating whether an assistive technology is focused on the accessibility element.


You can assume that the specified point has already been determined to lie within the accessibility element's frame. Override this method to do deeper hit-testing by identifying which child element, if any, contains the point. NSMatrix, for example, identifies which of its cells contains the point and propagates the hit-test to it. If the specified point is not contained within one of the accessibility element's children, either return self or, if available, invoke the superclass's implementation. The default NSView and NSCell implementations test whether the accessibility element is an ignored element and, if it is, return the receiver's first unignored parent; otherwise they return self.


If your element has the UIAccessibilityTraitAdjustable trait, you must implement this method.


Returns the index of the specified accessibility child in the parent.

this method was deprecated.

User interface classes must implement this method.

this method was deprecated.

When asking for an object's children, do not include ignored children; instead, replace the ignored children with their own unignored children. The same applies when asking for an object's parent: skip the ignored parent and treat the first unignored ancestor as the real parent.

this method was deprecated.

If you implement this method, also implement accessibilityAttributeValue(_:forParameter:).

this method was deprecated.

User interface classes must implement this method to handle all the actions returned from accessibilityActionNames().


Implement this method on an element or containing view that can be revealed modally or in a hierarchy.


The exact action performed by this method depends your app, typically toggling the most important state of the app.


accessibilityScroll(direction: UIAccessibilityScrollDirection): boolean

Implement this method if a view in the view hierarchy supports a scroll by page action.If the scrolling action succeeds for the specified direction, return true and post the UIAccessibilityPageScrolledNotification notification.

this method was deprecated.

This method is for changing the set of attributes on an instance, as an alternative to subclassing.This method works only on objects whose class already implements the NSAccessibility protocol.


accessibilitySetValueForAttribute(value: Object, attribute: string): void

this method was deprecated.

User interface classes must implement this method if any of its attributes are settable.


See Table 1The documentation for property-list constants for the properties for person and group records.


addObserverForKeyPath(observer: NSObject, keyPath: string, options: NSKeyValueObservingOptions, context: Object): void

Neither the object receiving this message, nor observer, are retained.


applicationDelegateHandlesKey(sender: NSApplication, key: string): boolean

The method should return true if the delegate for the app sender handles the key specified by key, which means it can get or set the scriptable property or element that corresponds to that key.


attemptRecoveryFromErrorOptionIndex(error: Error, recoveryOptionIndex: number): boolean

Invoked when an error alert is been presented to the user in an application-modal dialog, and the user has selected an error recovery option specified by error.


authorizationViewCreatedAuthorization(view: SFAuthorizationView): void

Sent to the delegate to indicate the authorization object has been created or changed.


authorizationViewDidAuthorize(view: SFAuthorizationView): void

Sent to the delegate to indicate the user was authorized and the authorization view was changed to unlocked.


authorizationViewDidDeauthorize(view: SFAuthorizationView): void

Sent to the delegate to indicate the user was deauthorized and the authorization view was changed to locked.


authorizationViewDidHide(view: SFAuthorizationView): void

This delegate method, if present, is called whenever the isHidden method is called to show or hide the view.


authorizationViewReleasedAuthorization(view: SFAuthorizationView): void

This method is called after deauthorization has been approved (either you called the deauthorize: method, or the user clicked an open lock icon and the authorizationViewShouldDeauthorize: delegate method did not cancel the operation), and before the user is deauthorized (that is, before the authorizationViewDidDeauthorize: delegate method is called).


authorizationViewShouldDeauthorize(view: SFAuthorizationView): number

The delegate can react to this before deauthorization happens and avoid it by returning false.


You can use this method to eliminate redundant objects created by the coder.


awakeFromNib(): void

The nib-loading infrastructure sends an awakeFromNib message to each object recreated from a nib archive, but only after all the objects in the archive have been loaded and initialized.


beginPreviewPanelControl(panel: QLPreviewPanel): void


bindToWithKeyPath(binding: string, observable: Object, keyPath: string, options: Map<string, Object>): void

Establishes a binding between a given property of the receiver and the property of a given object specified by a given key path.


candidates(sender: Object): Object[]

An input method should look up its currently composed string and return a list of candidate strings that that string might map to.


certificatePanelShowHelp(sender: SFCertificatePanel): number

You can use this delegate method to implement custom help if you call the setShowsHelp: method to display a help button in the sheet or panel.


changeColor(sender: Object): void

When the user selects a color in an NSColorPanel object, the panel sends a changeColor(_:) action message to the first responder.


changeFont(sender: Object): void

Generally this change is because the user changed the font either in the selection of a rich text field or in a whole plain text field.


chooseIdentityPanelShowHelp(sender: SFChooseIdentityPanel): number

You can use this delegate method to implement custom help if you call the setShowsHelp: method to display a help button in the sheet or panel.

this method was deprecated.
this method was deprecated.

The method coerceValueFor<Key>: is used if it exists.


commitComposition(sender: Object): void

If an input method implements this method, it is called when the client wants to end the composition session immediately.


A commit is denied if the receiver fails to apply the changes to the model object, perhaps due to a validation error.


During autosaving, commit editing may fail, due to a pending edit.


commitEditingWithDelegateDidCommit(delegate: Object, didCommitSelector: function, contextInfo: Object): void

The receiver must have been registered as the editor of an object using objectDidBeginEditing:, and has not yet been unregistered by a subsequent invocation of objectDidEndEditing:.


A composed string refers to the buffer that an input method typically maintains to mirror the text contained in the active inline area.


compositionParameterViewDidChangeParameterWithKey(parameterView: QCCompositionParameterView, portKey: string): void

Called after an input parameter in the composition parameter view has been edited.


compositionParameterViewShouldDisplayParameterWithKeyAttributes(parameterView: QCCompositionParameterView, portKey: string, portAttributes: Map<AnyHashable, Object>): boolean

Allows you to define which composition parameters are visible in the user interface when the composition parameter view refreshes.


compositionPickerViewDidSelect(pickerView: QCCompositionPickerView, composition: QCComposition): void

Quartz Composer invokes this method when the selected composition in the composition picker view changes.


compositionPickerViewDidStartAnimating(pickerView: QCCompositionPickerView): void

Quartz Composer invokes this method when the composition picker view starts animating a composition.


compositionPickerViewWillStopAnimating(pickerView: QCCompositionPickerView): void

Quartz Composer invokes this method whenever the composition picker view stops animating a composition.


controlTextDidBeginEditing(obj: Notification): void

This method is invoked when the user begins editing text in a control such as a text field or a form field.


controlTextDidChange(obj: Notification): void

This method is invoked when text in a control such as a text field or form changes.


controlTextDidEndEditing(obj: Notification): void

This method is invoked when the user stops editing text in a control such as a text field or form.


This is a convenience method for classes that adopt the NSCopying protocol.


You can override the copyScriptingValue method to take more control when your application is sent a duplicate command.


The default implementation invokes value(forKey:) for each key in keys and substitutes NSNull values in the dictionary for returned nil values.


Use this method when implementing key-value observer compliance manually to inform the observed object that the value at key has just changed.


didChangeValueForKeyWithSetMutationUsing(key: string, mutationKind: NSKeyValueSetMutationKind, objects: Set<AnyHashable>): void

Use this method when implementing key-value observer compliance manually.


didChangeValuesAtForKey(changeKind: NSKeyValueChange, indexes: Set, key: string): void

Use this method when implementing key-value-observing compliance manually.Special ConsiderationsYou rarely need to override this method in subclasses, but if you do, be sure to call super.


didCommandByClient(aSelector: function, sender: Object): boolean

This method is called when the system binds a key down event to an action method.


didMatchString(instance: PDFSelection): void

Called for every match found during a find operation.


discardEditing(): void

Causes the receiver to discard any changes, restoring the previous values.


documentDidBeginDocumentFind(notification: Notification): void

Called when the PDFDocumentDidBeginFindNotification notification is posted.


documentDidBeginPageFind(notification: Notification): void

Called when the PDFDocumentDidBeginPageFindNotification notification is posted.


documentDidEndDocumentFind(notification: Notification): void

Called when the PDFDocumentDidEndFindNotification notification is posted.


documentDidEndPageFind(notification: Notification): void

Called when the PDFDocumentDidEndPageFindNotification notification is posted.


documentDidFindMatch(notification: Notification): void

Called when the PDFDocumentDidFindMatchNotification notification is posted.


documentDidUnlock(notification: Notification): void

Called when the PDFDocumentDidUnlockNotification notification is posted.


Currently, doesContain(_:) messages are never sent to any object from within Cocoa itself.


The runtime system invokes this method whenever an object receives an aSelector message it can’t respond to or forward.


endPreviewPanelControl(panel: QLPreviewPanel): void


exceptionHandlerShouldHandleMask(sender: NSExceptionHandler, exception: NSException, aMask: number): boolean

Implemented by the delegate to evaluate whether the delegating NSExceptionHandler instance should handle a given exception.


exceptionHandlerShouldLogExceptionMask(sender: NSExceptionHandler, exception: NSException, aMask: number): boolean

Implemented by the delegate to evaluate whether the delegating NSExceptionHandler instance should log a given exception.


fileManagerShouldProceedAfterError(fm: FileManager, errorInfo: Map<AnyHashable, Object>): boolean

this method was deprecated.

An NSFileManager object, manager, sends this message for each error it encounters when copying, moving, removing, or linking files or directories.


fileManagerWillProcessPath(fm: FileManager, path: string): void

this method was deprecated.

You can implement this method in your handler to monitor file operations.


fileTransferServicesAbortCompleteError(inServices: OBEXFileTransferServices, inError: OBEXError): void


fileTransferServicesConnectionCompleteError(inServices: OBEXFileTransferServices, inError: OBEXError): void


fileTransferServicesCopyRemoteFileCompleteError(inServices: OBEXFileTransferServices, inError: OBEXError): void


fileTransferServicesCopyRemoteFileProgressTransferProgress(inServices: OBEXFileTransferServices, inProgressDescription: Map<AnyHashable, Object>): void


fileTransferServicesCreateFolderCompleteErrorFolder(inServices: OBEXFileTransferServices, inError: OBEXError, inFolderName: string): void


fileTransferServicesDisconnectionCompleteError(inServices: OBEXFileTransferServices, inError: OBEXError): void


fileTransferServicesFilePreparationCompleteError(inServices: OBEXFileTransferServices, inError: OBEXError): void


fileTransferServicesPathChangeCompleteErrorFinalPath(inServices: OBEXFileTransferServices, inError: OBEXError, inPath: string): void


fileTransferServicesRemoveItemCompleteErrorRemovedItem(inServices: OBEXFileTransferServices, inError: OBEXError, inItemName: string): void


fileTransferServicesRetrieveFolderListingCompleteErrorListing(inServices: OBEXFileTransferServices, inError: OBEXError, inListing: Object[]): void


fileTransferServicesSendFileCompleteError(inServices: OBEXFileTransferServices, inError: OBEXError): void


fileTransferServicesSendFileProgressTransferProgress(inServices: OBEXFileTransferServices, inProgressDescription: Map<AnyHashable, Object>): void


finalize(): void

this method was deprecated.

The garbage collector invokes this method on the receiver before disposing of the memory it uses.


This method is invoked on objects exposed to the scripting environment just before the scripting environment is reset.

this method was deprecated.

In macOS versions 10.2 and earlier, this method is invoked repeatedly as necessary whenever the Font panel needs updating, such as when the Font panel is first loaded, and when the user selects a family name to see which typefaces in that family are available.


If an object implements (or inherits) this method, and returns a non-nil (and non-self) result, that returned object is used as the new receiver object and the message dispatch resumes to that new object.


handleClient(event: NSEvent, sender: Object): boolean

Handles key down and mouse events.


imageBrowserBackgroundWasRightClickedWith(aBrowser: IKImageBrowserView, event: NSEvent): void

This method signals that the user either right-clicked the background or left-clicked it with the Alt key pressed.


imageBrowserCellWasDoubleClickedAt(aBrowser: IKImageBrowserView, index: number): void

This method signals that the user double-clicked an item in the image browser view.


imageBrowserCellWasRightClickedAtWith(aBrowser: IKImageBrowserView, index: number, event: NSEvent): void

This method signals that the user either right-clicked an item in the browser or left-clicked the item with the Alt key pressed.


imageBrowserGroupAt(aBrowser: IKImageBrowserView, index: number): Map<AnyHashable, Object>

This method is optional.


imageBrowserItemAt(aBrowser: IKImageBrowserView, index: number): Object

Your data source must implement this method.


imageBrowserMoveItemsAtTo(aBrowser: IKImageBrowserView, indexes: Set, destinationIndex: number): boolean

This method is optional.


imageBrowserRemoveItemsAt(aBrowser: IKImageBrowserView, indexes: Set): void

This method is optional.


imageBrowserSelectionDidChange(aBrowser: IKImageBrowserView): void

This method signals that the user changes the selection in the image browser view.


imageBrowserWriteItemsAtTo(aBrowser: IKImageBrowserView, itemIndexes: Set, pasteboard: NSPasteboard): number

This method is optional.


Your data source must implement this method.


Your data source must implement this method.


This method is optional.


This method is optional.


Your data source must implement this method.


This method is optional.


Returns the index of the specified accessibility element.


indicesOfObjectsByEvaluatingObjectSpecifier(specifier: NSScriptObjectSpecifier): number[]

Containers that want to evaluate some specifiers on their own should implement this method.


This method is mostly for use by subclasses which want to analyze the existing bindings of an object.


inputTextClient(string: string, sender: Object): boolean

An input method should implement this method when using key binding (that is, it implements didCommand(by:client:)).


inputTextKeyModifiersClient(string: string, keyCode: number, flags: number, sender: Object): boolean

Receives Unicode, the key code that generated it, and any modifier flags.


insertValueAtInPropertyWithKey(value: Object, index: number, key: string): void

The method insertIn<Key>:atIndex: is invoked if it exists.


The method insertIn<Key>: is used if it exists.


NSObject’s implementation of inverseForRelationshipKey: simply invokes [[self classDescription] inverseForRelationshipKey:relationshipKey].


Executes when a script attempts to invoke a method on an exposed object directly.


This method is invoked when a script attempts to invoke a method not directly exported to the scripting environment.


Currently, isCaseInsensitiveLike(_:) messages are never sent to any object from within Cocoa itself.The default implementation for this method provided by NSObject returns false.


During the evaluation of an NSWhoseSpecifier object that contains a test whose operator is NSEqualToComparison, an isEqual(to:) message may be sent to each potentially specified object, if neither the potentially specified object nor the object being tested against implements a scriptingIsEqual(to:) method.The default implementation for this method provided by NSObject returns true if an isEqualTo: message sent to the same object would return true.


During the evaluation of an NSWhoseSpecifier object that contains a test whose operator is NSGreaterThanComparison, an isGreaterThan(:) message may be sent to each potentially specified object, if the potentially specified object does not implement a scriptingIsGreaterThan(:) method and the object being tested against does not implement a scriptingIsLessThanOrEqual(to:) method.The default implementation for this method provided by NSObject returns true if a compare: message sent to the same object would return NSOrderedDescending.


During the evaluation of an NSWhoseSpecifier object that contains a test whose operator is NSGreaterThanOrEqualToComparison, anisGreaterThanOrEqual(to:) message may be sent to each potentially specified object, if the potentially specified object does not implement a scriptingIsGreaterThanOrEqual(to:) method and the object being tested against does not implement a scriptingIsLessThan(_:) method.The default implementation for this method provided by NSObject returns true if a compare: message sent to the same object would return NSOrderedSame or NSOrderedDescending.


During the evaluation of an NSWhoseSpecifier object that contains a test whose operator is NSLessThanComparison, an isLessThan(:) message may be sent to each potentially specified object, if the potentially specified object does not implement a scriptingIsLessThan(:) method and the object being tested against does not implement a scriptingIsGreaterThanOrEqual(to:) method.The default implementation for this method provided by NSObject method returns true if a compare: message sent to the same object would return NSOrderedAscending.


During the evaluation of an NSWhoseSpecifier object that contains a test whose operator is NSLessThanOrEqualToComparison, an isLessThanOrEqual(to:) message may be sent to each potentially specified object, if the potentially specified object does not implement a scriptingIsLessThanOrEqual(to:) method and the object being tested against does not implement a scriptingIsGreaterThan(_:) method.The default implementation for this method provided by NSObject method returns true if a compare: message sent to the same object would return NSOrderedAscending or NSOrderedSame.


isLike(object: string): boolean

Currently, isLike(_:) messages are never sent to any object from within Cocoa itself.The default implementation for this method provided by NSObject method returns false.


Currently, isNotEqual(to:) messages are never sent to any object from within Cocoa itself.The default implementation for this method provided by NSObject method returns true if an isEqual: message sent to the same object would return false.


layerShouldInheritContentsScaleFrom(layer: CALayer, newScale: number, window: NSWindow): boolean

When a resolution change occurs for a given window, the system traverses the layer trees in that window to decide what action, if any, to take for each layer.


methodFor(aSelector: function): function

If the receiver is an instance, aSelector should refer to an instance method; if the receiver is a class, it should refer to a class method.


Objects added to the mutable array become related to the receiver, and objects removed from the mutable array become unrelated.


See mutableArrayValue(forKey:) for additional details.


This is a convenience method for classes that adopt the NSMutableCopying protocol.


Objects added to the mutable set proxy become related to the receiver, and objects removed from the mutable set become unrelated.


See mutableOrderedSetValue(forKey:) for additional details.


Objects added to the mutable set proxy become related to the receiver, and objects removed from the mutable set become unrelated.


See mutableSetValue(forKey:) for additional details.

this method was deprecated.

This method is invoked when the drop has been accepted by the destination and the destination, in the case of another Cocoa application, invokes the NSDraggingInfo method namesOfPromisedFilesDropped(atDestination:).


newScriptingObjectOfForValueForKeyWithContentsValue(objectClass: Object, key: string, contentsValue: Object, properties: Map<string, Object>): Object

You can override the newScriptingObjectOfClass method to take more control when your application is sent a make command.


numberOfGroupsInImageBrowser(aBrowser: IKImageBrowserView): number

This method is optional.


numberOfItemsInImageBrowser(aBrowser: IKImageBrowserView): number

Your data source must implement this method.


objectDidBeginEditing(editor: Object): void

This message should be sent to the receiver when editor has uncommitted changes that can affect the receiver.


objectDidEndEditing(editor: Object): void

This message should be sent to the receiver when editor has finished editing a property belonging to the receiver.


observeValueForKeyPathOf(keyPath: string, object: Object, change: Map<NSKeyValueChangeKey, Object>, context: Object): void

For an object to begin sending change notification messages for the value at keyPath, you send it an addObserver(_:forKeyPath:options:context:) message, naming the observing object that should receive the messages.


optionDescriptionsForBinding(binding: string): NSAttributeDescription[]

The NSAttributeDescription instances in the array are used by Interface Builder to build the options editor user interface of the bindings inspector.The option name displayed for the option in the bindings inspector is based on the value of the NSAttributeDescription method name.


Return the a string that consists of the precomposed unicode characters.


pasteboardChangedOwner(sender: NSPasteboard): void

Pasteboard owners only need to implement this method if they need to know when they have lost ownership.The owner is not able to read the contents of the pasteboard when responding to this method.


pasteboardProvideDataForType(sender: NSPasteboard, type: string): void

The receiver should have been previously declared in a declareTypes(:owner:) message.The requested data should be written to sender using the setData(:forType:), setPropertyList(:forType:), or setString(:forType:) method.


performActionFor(person: ABPerson, identifier: string): void

If the property returned by actionProperty() is a multivalue property, identifier contains the unique identifier of the value selected.


performOnWithWaitUntilDone(aSelector: function, thr: Thread, arg: Object, wait: boolean): void

You can use this method to deliver messages to other threads in your application.


performOnWithWaitUntilDoneModes(aSelector: function, thr: Thread, arg: Object, wait: boolean, array: string[]): void

You can use this method to deliver messages to other threads in your application.


This method creates a new thread in your application, putting your application into multithreaded mode if it was not already.


You can use this method to deliver messages to the main thread of your application.


You can use this method to deliver messages to the main thread of your application.


performWithAfterDelay(aSelector: function, anArgument: Object, delay: number): void

This method sets up a timer to perform the aSelector message on the current thread’s run loop.


performWithAfterDelayInModes(aSelector: function, anArgument: Object, delay: number, modes: RunLoopMode[]): void

This method sets up a timer to perform the aSelector message on the current thread’s run loop.


When Interface Builder instantiates a class with the IB_DESIGNABLE attribute, it calls this method to let the resulting object know that it was created at design time.


provideImageDataBytesPerRowOriginSizeUserInfo(data: Object, rowbytes: number, x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, info: Object): void

You can supply the image provider to these methods of the CIImage class: imageWithImageProvider:size::format:colorSpace:options: to create a CIImage object from image datainit(imageProvider:size:_:format:colorSpace:options:) to initialize an existing CIImage with dataYou initialize the given bitmap with the subregion specified by the arguments x, y, width, and height.


quartzFilterManagerDidAdd(sender: QuartzFilterManager, filter: QuartzFilter): void


quartzFilterManagerDidModifyFilter(sender: QuartzFilterManager, filter: QuartzFilter): void


quartzFilterManagerDidRemove(sender: QuartzFilterManager, filter: QuartzFilter): void


quartzFilterManagerDidSelect(sender: QuartzFilterManager, filter: QuartzFilter): void


readLinkQualityForDeviceComplete(controller: Object, device: IOBluetoothDevice, info: UnsafeMutablePointer<BluetoothHCILinkQualityInfo>, error: IOReturn): void

This delegate gets invoked when an read link quality command complete event occurs.


readRSSIForDeviceComplete(controller: Object, device: IOBluetoothDevice, info: UnsafeMutablePointer<BluetoothHCIRSSIInfo>, error: IOReturn): void

This delegate gets invoked when an RSSI command complete event occurs.


removeObserverForKeyPath(observer: NSObject, keyPath: string): void

It is an error to call removeObserver(:forKeyPath:) for an object that has not previously been registered as an observer.Be sure to invoke this method (or removeObserver(:forKeyPath:context:)) before any object specified in addObserver(_:forKeyPath:options:context:) is deallocated.


The method removeFrom<Key>AtIndex: is invoked if it exists.


The method replaceIn<Key>:atIndex: is invoked if it exists.


An object might encode itself into an archive, but encode a proxy for itself if it’s being encoded for distribution.


saveOptionsShouldShowUTType(saveOptions: IKSaveOptions, utType: string): boolean

Called to determine if the specified uniform type identifier should be shown in the save panel.


Returns true if, in a scripting comparison, the compared object matches the beginning of object.


Returns true if, in a scripting comparison, the compared object contains object.


Returns true if, in a scripting comparison, the compared object matches the end of object.


Returns true if, in a scripting comparison, the compared object is equal to object.


Returns true if, in a scripting comparison, the compared object is greater than object.


Returns true if, in a scripting comparison, the compared object is greater than or equal to object.


Returns true if, in a scripting comparison, the compared object is less than object.


Returns true if, in a scripting comparison, the compared object is less than or equal to object.


scriptingValueFor(objectSpecifier: NSScriptObjectSpecifier): Object

You can override this method to customize the evaluation of object specifiers without requiring that the scripting container make up indexes for contained objects that don't naturally have indexes (as can be the case if you implement indicesOfObjects(byEvaluatingObjectSpecifier:) instead).Your override of this method doesn't need to also invoke any of the NSScriptCommand error signaling methods, though it can, to record very specific information.


Subclasses can override this method to handle the request in some other way, such as by substituting 0 or a sentinel value for nil and invoking setValue(_:forKey:) again or setting the variable directly.


setValueForKey(value: Object, key: string): void

If key identifies a to-one relationship, relate the object specified by value to the receiver, unrelating the previously related object if there was one.


setValueForKeyPath(value: Object, keyPath: string): void

The default implementation of this method gets the destination object for each relationship using value(forKey:), and sends the final object a setValue(_:forKey:) message.Special ConsiderationsWhen using this method, and the destination object does not implement an accessor for the value, the default behavior is for that object to retain value rather than copy or assign value.


setValueForUndefinedKey(value: Object, key: string): void

Subclasses can override this method to handle the request in some other way.


setValuesForKeys(keyedValues: Map<string, Object>): void

The default implementation invokes setValue(_:forKey:) for each key-value pair, substituting nil for NSNull values in keyedValues.


shouldEnableActionFor(person: ABPerson, identifier: string): boolean

If the property returned by actionProperty() is a multivalue property, identifier contains the unique identifier of the value selected.


textStorageDidProcessEditing(notification: Notification): void

this method was deprecated.

textStorageWillProcessEditing(notification: Notification): void

this method was deprecated.

titleFor(person: ABPerson, identifier: string): string

If the property returned by actionProperty() is a multivalue property, identifier contains the unique identifier of the value selected.


unbind(binding: string): void

Removes a given binding between the receiver and a controller.


validModesForFontPanel(fontPanel: NSFontPanel): number

The mode masks are defined in Mode Masks.


validateMenuItem(menuItem: NSMenuItem): boolean

The object implementing this method must be the target of menuItem.


validateToolbarItem(item: NSToolbarItem): boolean

NSToolbar only calls this method for image items.Note validateToolbarItem(_:) is called very frequently, so it must be efficient.If the receiver is the target for the actions of multiple toolbar items, it’s necessary to determine which toolbar item theItem refers to by testing the itemIdentifier.-(BOOL)validateToolbarItem:(NSToolbarItem )toolbarItem { BOOL enable = NO; if ([[toolbarItem itemIdentifier] isEqual:SaveDocToolbarItemIdentifier]) { // We will return YES (enable the save item) // only when the document is dirty and needs saving enable = [self isDocumentEdited]; } else if ([[toolbarItem itemIdentifier] isEqual:NSToolbarPrintItemIdentifier]) { // always enable print for this window enable = YES; } return enable; } -(BOOL)validateToolbarItem:(NSToolbarItem )toolbarItem { BOOL enable = NO; if ([[toolbarItem itemIdentifier] isEqual:SaveDocToolbarItemIdentifier]) { // We will return YES (enable the save item) // only when the document is dirty and needs saving enable = [self isDocumentEdited]; } else if ([[toolbarItem itemIdentifier] isEqual:NSToolbarPrintItemIdentifier]) { // always enable print for this window enable = YES; } return enable; }


validateValueForKey(ioValue: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<AnyObject?>, inKey: string): void

The default implementation of this method searches the class of the receiver for a validation method whose name matches the pattern validate<Key>:error:.


validateValueForKeyPath(ioValue: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<AnyObject?>, inKeyPath: string): void

The default implementation gets the destination object for each relationship using value(forKey:) and returns the result of a validateValue(_:forKey:) message to the final object.Handling Errors in Swift: In Swift, this method returns Void and is marked with the throws keyword to indicate that it throws an error in cases of failure.


This actually works with a single-value key as well if index is 0.


This method is used by Interface Builder to determine the appropriate transformers for a binding.


The search pattern that valueForKey: uses to find the correct value to return is described in Accessor Search Patterns in Key-Value Coding Programming Guide.


The default implementation gets the destination object for each relationship using value(forKey:) and returns the result of a value(forKey:) message to the final object.


Subclasses can override this method to return an alternate value for undefined keys.


The method valueIn<Key>WithName: is used if it exists.


The method valueIn<Key>WithUniqueID: is invoked if it exists.


viewStringForToolTipUserData(view: NSView, tag: NSToolTipTag, point: CGPoint, data: Object): string

userData is additional information provided by the creator of the tool tip rectangle.


webPlugInContainerLoadInFrame(request: URLRequest, target: string): void

If the frame specified by target is not found, a new window is opened, loaded with the URL request, and given the specified frame name.


Tells the container to show a status message.


Typically, this method frees the memory and other resources used by the plug-in.


Tells the plug-in to perform one-time initialization.


This message is invoked when the underlying NSURLConnection object for the main resource sends the connection:didFailWithError: message to its delegate.


This message is invoked when the WebPlugInShouldLoadMainResourceKey plug-in command-line argument is set to false and the underlying NSURLConnection object for the main resource sends the connectionDidFinishLoading: message to its delegate.


webPlugInMainResourceDidReceive(response: URLResponse): void

This message is invoked when the WebPlugInShouldLoadMainResourceKey plug-in command-line argument is set to false and the underlying NSURLConnection object for the main resource sends the connection:didReceiveResponse: message to its delegate.


webPlugInSetIsSelected(isSelected: boolean): void

This may be used, for example, to change the plug-in’s appearance when it is selected by the user.


webPlugInStart(): void

The plug-in usually begins its primary task (such as drawing, playing sounds, or animating) in this method.


webPlugInStop(): void

This method may be called more than once, provided that the application has already called webPlugInInitialize() and that each call to this method is preceded by a call to webPlugInStart().


Use this method when implementing key-value observer compliance manually to inform the observed object that the value at key is about to change.The change type of this method is NSKeyValueChangeSetting.ImportantAfter the values have been changed, a corresponding didChangeValue(forKey:) must be invoked with the same parameter.


willChangeValueForKeyWithSetMutationUsing(key: string, mutationKind: NSKeyValueSetMutationKind, objects: Set<AnyHashable>): void

Use this method when implementing key-value observer compliance manually.ImportantAfter the values have been changed, a corresponding didChangeValue(forKey:withSetMutation:using:) must be invoked with the same parameters.Special ConsiderationsYou rarely need to override this method in subclasses, but if you do, be sure to call super.


willChangeValuesAtForKey(changeKind: NSKeyValueChange, indexes: Set, key: string): void

Use this method when implementing key-value-observing compliance manually.ImportantAfter the values have been changed, a corresponding didChange(_:valuesAt:forKey:) must be invoked with the same parameters.Special ConsiderationsYou rarely need to override this method in subclasses, but if you do, be sure to call super.


workflowControllerDidError(controller: AMWorkflowController, error: Error): void

Invoked when the receiver's workflow encounters an error.


workflowControllerDidRun(controller: AMWorkflowController, action: AMAction): void

Invoked when an action in the receiver's workflow is finished running.


workflowControllerDidStop(controller: AMWorkflowController): void

Tells the delegate that the workflow controller object has stopped.


workflowControllerWillRun(controller: AMWorkflowController, action: AMAction): void

Invoked when an action in the receiver's workflow is about to run.


workflowControllerWillStop(controller: AMWorkflowController): void

Tells the delegate that the workflow controller object is about to stop.

Public Constructors

public constructor(chassisBody: SCNPhysicsBody, wheels: SCNPhysicsVehicleWheel[]) source

Each object in the wheels array associates a node with the wheel to serve as its visual representation and defines properties for the wheel’s physical characteristics. Each wheel object must reference a unique node, which should be a child of the node containing the physics body used for the vehicle’s chassis. Typically, you load a node hierarchy representing the vehicle and all of its wheels from a scene file and then designate which nodes serve as the body and wheels.For a behavior to take effect, you must add it to the physics simulation by calling the addBehavior(_:) method on your scene’s SCNPhysicsWorld object.




chassisBody SCNPhysicsBody

A physics body to serve as the vehicle’s chassis.

wheels SCNPhysicsVehicleWheel[]

An array of SCNPhysicsVehicleWheel objects representing the vehicle’s wheels. A vehicle must have at least one wheel.


Public Members

public get chassisBody: SCNPhysicsBody source

The vehicle’s chassis must be a dynamic body.


public get wheels: SCNPhysicsVehicleWheel[] source

You can dynamically change the suspension and traction properties of a wheel connected to the vehicle by using the corresponding SCNPhysicsVehicleWheel object or by using Key-value coding with a keypath of the form wheels[index].propertyName. For example, the following code changes the size of the first wheel attached to the vehicle, simulating a failed tire:SCNPhysicsVehicle vehicle = [SCNPhysicsVehicle vehicleWithChassisBody:car wheels:wheels]; [vehicle setValue:@0.1 forKeyPath:@"wheels[0].radius"]; SCNPhysicsVehicle vehicle = [SCNPhysicsVehicle vehicleWithChassisBody:car wheels:wheels]; [vehicle setValue:@0.1 forKeyPath:@"wheels[0].radius"];


Public Methods

public applyBrakingForceForWheelAt(value: number, index: number): void source

Applying a braking force causes the wheel to slow down regardless of the direction it’s currently spinning in.As with all physical quantities in SceneKit, you need not use realistic force measurements in your app—the effects of the physics simulation depend on the relative differences between forces, not on their absolute values. You may use whatever values produce the behavior or gameplay you’re looking for as long as you use them consistently.Calling this method applies a braking force for one step (or frame) of the physics simulation. To continuously decelerate a vehicle, call this method again on subequent simulation steps (for example, from your scene renderer delegate’s renderer(_:updateAtTime:) method) until the vehicle stops or reaches your desired speed.


value number

The magnitude of the torque, in newton-meters.

index number

The index of the wheel applying the force.




public applyEngineForceForWheelAt(value: number, index: number): void source

Applying a positive force turns the wheel in a direction that would move the vehicle forward; applying a negative force moves the vehicle in reverse.As with all physical quantities in SceneKit, you need not use realistic force measurements in your app—the effects of the physics simulation depend on the relative differences between forces, not on their absolute values. You may use whatever values produce the behavior or gameplay you’re looking for as long as you use them consistently.Calling this method applies a force for one step (or frame) of the physics simulation. To continuously accelerate a vehicle, call this method again on subequent simulation steps (for example, from your scene renderer delegate’s renderer(_:updateAtTime:) method) until the vehicle reaches your desired speed.


value number

The magnitude of the force, in newtons.

index number

The index of the wheel applying the force.




public setSteeringAngleForWheelAt(value: number, index: number): void source

Steering angles are relative to the wheel’s steeringAxis vector. With the default steering axis of {0.0, -1.0, 0.0}, a steering angle of 0.0 represents neutral steering, positive values steer the vehicle to the right, and negative values steer to the left.


value number

The angle to set the wheel at relative to its steering axis, in radians.

index number

The index, in the vehicle’s wheels array, of the wheel to be pivoted.


