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import SCNBoundingVolume from 'jscenekit/js/SceneKit/SCNBoundingVolume.js'
public interface | source


Direct Implemented:

Properties for measuring an object's location and size, expressed as either a box or a sphere.


Constructor Summary

Public Constructor


Member Summary

Public Members

The minimum and maximum corner points of the object’s bounding box.

public get

boundingSphere: {center: SCNVector3, radius: number}

Scene Kit defines a bounding sphere in the local coordinate space using a center point and a radius.

Public Constructors

public constructor() source


Public Members

public boundingBox: {min: SCNVector3, max: SCNVector3} source

The minimum and maximum corner points of the object’s bounding box.


public get boundingSphere: {center: SCNVector3, radius: number} source

Scene Kit defines a bounding sphere in the local coordinate space using a center point and a radius. For example, if a node’s bounding sphere has the center point {3, 1, 4} and radius 2.0, all points in the vertex data of node’s geometry (and any geometry attached to its child nodes) lie within 2.0 units of the center point.The coordinates provided when reading this property are valid only if the object has a volume to be measured. For a geometry containing no vertex data or a node containing no geometry (and whose child nodes, if any, contain no geometry), the values center and radius are both zero.
