'use strict'
import Vector3 from './Vector3'
import Vector4 from './Vector4'
import DHEvent from './DHEvent'
import Model from './Model'
import ModelBank from './ModelBank'
import Motion from './Motion'
import MotionBank from './MotionBank'
* DH3DObject basic class
* @access public
export default class DH3DObject {
* constructor
* @access public
* @constructor
constructor() {
this._model = null
this._motion = null
this._renderer = null
this._animator = null
this._eventArray = [] // FIXME: not use
this._motionEventArray = []
this._moveCallbacks = []
this._animationTime = 0.0
this._animationFrame = 0.0
this._animationSpeed = 1.0
this._animating = false
this._loop = false
this._force = new Vector3(0, 0, 0)
this._speed = new Vector3(0, 0, 0)
this._position = new Vector3(0, 0, 0)
this._direction = 0
this._maxSpeed = 10.0
this._state = null
this._motionStep = 0.0
this._motionCount = 0.0
// motion blending
this._motionBlendCount = 0.0
this._motionBlendStep = 0.0
this._autoDirection = false
this._mirror = false
this._reflectionMode = false
* set callback function for each move
* @access public
* @param {Function} func - callback which is called each frame
* @return {number} 0: success, -1: failure (func is not function)
addMoveCallback(func) {
if(typeof func !== 'function'){
return -1
return 0
* remove callback function for each move
* @access public
* @param {Function} func - callback which is called each frame
* @return {number} 0: success, -1: failure (func is not registered)
const i = this._moveCallbacks.indexOf(func)
if(i < 0){
return -1
this._moveCallbacks.splice(i, 1)
return 0
* move object
* @access public
* @param {float} elapsedTime - elapsed time (seconds) from previous frame
* @returns {void}
move(elapsedTime) {
// FIXME: params
const friction = 10.0 * elapsedTime
if(friction < 1.0){
this._speed.mulAdd(this._speed, this._speed, -friction)
this._speed.setValue(0, 0, 0)
this._speed.mulAdd(this._speed, this._force, 5.0 * elapsedTime)
const speedVal = this._speed.length()
if(speedVal > this._maxSpeed){
this._speed.mul(this._speed, this._maxSpeed / speedVal)
this._position.mulAdd(this._position, this._speed, elapsedTime)
const myObj = this
this._moveCallbacks.forEach( (func) => {
func(myObj, elapsedTime)
const axis = new Vector3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
if(this._force.z > 0.001 || this._force.z < -0.001){
this._direction = Math.atan(this._force.x / this._force.z)
if(this._force.z < 0){
this._direction += Math.PI
}else if(this._force.x > 0.001){
this._direction = Math.PI * 0.5
}else if(this._force.x < -0.001){
this._direction = Math.PI * -0.5
this._model.rootBone.rotate.createAxis(axis, this._direction)
* get Model object
* @access public
* @returns {Model} - model object
getModel() {
return this._model
* set Model object
* @access public
* @param {Model} model - Model object. Set null to delete object
* @returns {void}
setModel(model = null) {
if(model === null){
return false
if(model instanceof Model){
if(this._renderer && model.renderer !== this._renderer){
return ModelBank.getModelForRenderer(model.hashName, this._renderer)
.then((m) => { this._model = m })
.catch((error) => { console.error(`model load error: ${error}`) })
this._model = model
return true
return ModelBank.getModel(model).then((m) => this.setModel(m))
* get Motion object
* @access public
* @returns {Motion} - Motion object
getMotion() {
return this._motion
* set Motion object
* @access public
* @param {Motion} motion - Motion object. Set null to delete object
* @returns {void}
setMotion(motion = null) {
if(motion === null){
return false
if(motion instanceof Motion){
this._motion = motion
return true
return MotionBank.getMotion(motion).then((m) => this.setMotion(m))
* set Motion object to blend with current motion
* @access public
* @param {Motion} motion - Motion object to blend
* @param {float} blendCount - number of frames to complete transition
* @returns {void}
setMotionWithBlending(motion, blendCount) {
this._motion = motion
this._motionBlendCount = 1.0
this._motionBlendStep = 1.0 / blendCount
* get Renderer object
* @access public
* @returns {Renderer} - Renderer object
getRenderer() {
return this._renderer
* set Renderer object
* @access public
* @param {Renderer} renderer - Renderer object
* @returns {void}
setRenderer(renderer) {
this._renderer = renderer
if(this._model && this._model.renderer !== renderer){
return ModelBank.getModelForRenderer(this._model.hashName, renderer)
.then((m) => { this._model = m })
.catch((error) => { console.error(`model load error: ${error}`) })
return true
* get animating state
* @access public
* @returns {boolean} - true: enable animation, false: disable animation
getAnimating() {
return this._animating
* set animating state
* @access public
* @param {boolean} animating - true: enable animation, false: disable animation
* @returns {void}
setAnimating(animating = true) {
this._animating = true
this._animating = false
* get loop state
* @access public
* @returns {boolean} - true: enable loop, false: disable loop
getLoop() {
return this._loop
* set loop state
* @access public
* @param {boolean} loop - true: enable loop, false: disable loop
* @returns {void}
setLoop(loop = true) {
this._loop = true
this._loop = false
* get Animator object
* @access public
* @returns {Animator} - Animator object
getAnimator() {
return this._animator
* set Animator object
* @access public
* @param {Animator} animator - Animator object
* @returns {void}
setAnimator(animator) {
this._animator = animator
* get animation time
* @access public
* @returns {float} - animation time (seconds)
getAnimationTime() {
return this._animationTime
* set animation time
* @access public
* @param {float} time - animation time (seconds)
* @returns {void}
setAnimationTime(time) {
this._animationTime = time
* get animation speed
* @access public
* @returns {float} - animation speed: normal speed is 1.0
getAnimationSpeed() {
return this._animationSpeed
* set animation speed
* @access public
* @param {float} speed - animation speed: normal speed is 1.0
* @returns {void}
setAnimationSpeed(speed) {
this._animationSpeed = speed
* get object position
* @access public
* @returns {Vector3} - object position
getPosition() {
return this._position
* set object position
* @access public
* @param {Vector3|float} x - object position (Vector3 object or X value)
* @param {float} y - Y value
* @param {float} z - Z value
* @returns {void}
setPosition(x, y, z) {
if(x instanceof Vector3){
this._position.x = x.x
this._position.y = x.y
this._position.z = x.z
this._position.x = x
this._position.y = y
this._position.z = z
* get object speed
* @access public
* @returns {Vector3} - object speed
getSpeed() {
return this._speed
* set object speed
* @access public
* @param {Vector3|float} x - object speed (Vector3 object or X value)
* @param {float} y - Y value of speed
* @param {float} z - Z value of speed
* @returns {void}
setSpeed(x, y, z) {
if(x instanceof Vector3){
this._speed.x = x.x
this._speed.y = x.y
this._speed.z = x.z
this._speed.x = x
this._speed.y = y
this._speed.z = z
* get quaternion for rotation
* @access public
* @returns {Vector4} - quaternion
getRotate() {
return this._model.rootBone.rotate
* set quaternion for rotation
* @access public
* @param {Vector4|float} x - quaternion (Vector4 or X value)
* @param {float} y - Y value
* @param {float} z - Z value
* @param {float} w - W value
* @returns {void}
setRotate(x, y, z, w) {
const rot = this._model.rootBone.rotate
if(x instanceof Vector4){
rot.x = x.x
rot.y = x.y
rot.z = x.z
rot.w = x.w
rot.x = x
rot.y = y
rot.z = z
rot.w = w
setRotateAxis(axis, rotAngle) {
this._model.rootBone.rotate.createAxis(axis, rotAngle)
setScale(x, y, z) {
const scale = this._model.rootBone.scale
if(y === undefined && z === undefined){
scale.x = x
scale.y = x
scale.z = x
scale.x = x
scale.y = y
scale.z = z
getAutoDirection() {
return this._autoDirection
setAutoDirection(autoDirection = true) {
this._autoDirection = true
this._autoDirection = false
getMirror() {
return this._mirror
setMirror(flag) {
this._mirror = flag
getReflectionMode() {
return this._reflectionMode
setReflectionMode(flag) {
this._reflectionMode = flag
updateMaterial() {
this._model.materialArray.forEach( (mat) => {
getSkinArray() {
return this._model.getSkinArray()
return null
getDynamicSkinArray() {
return this._model.getDynamicSkinArray()
return null
getNumElements() {
return this._model.indexArray.length / 3
return 0
// FIXME: implementation
getTexture() {
return null
return null
animate(elapsedTime) {
const animationTimeBefore = this._animationTime
this._animator.animate(this, elapsedTime)
// ボーンの行列更新のみ行う
const animationTimeAfter = this._animationTime
const obj = this
this._motionEventArray.forEach( (me) => {
if(animationTimeBefore < me.time && me.time <= animationTimeAfter){
if(!me.state || me.state === obj._state){
render() {
renderMirror(reflectionObjectArray) {
this._renderer.renderMirror(this, reflectionObjectArray)
addMotionCallback(func, time, state) {
const motionEvent = new DHEvent()
motionEvent.time = time
motionEvent.state = state
removeMotionCallback(func, time, state) {
const arr = this._motionEventArray
let target = null
arr.forEach( (me) => {
if(me.time === time && me.state === state
&& me.getEventCallback() === func){
target = me
this._motionEventArray = arr.filter((ev) => (ev !== target))
clearMotionCallback() {
const arr = this._motionEventArray
arr.forEach( (me) => {
arr.length = 0
getDirection() {
return this._direction
setDirection(direction) {
this._direction = direction
getMaxSpeed() {
return this._maxSpeed
setMaxSpeed(maxSpeed) {
this._maxSpeed = maxSpeed
getState() {
return this._state
setState(state) {
this._state = state